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Random thoughts...
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWhat was the question??~Cap
Originally posted by Martin View PostIf they are still planning on producing the traycase for 'The Ghosts of Benevolence'. I respond to each update he sends with a polite ask about this and never receive a response. I have also asked via the website with the same lack of response. And a side note related to your comment about Mr. Little. It appears the newsletter comes from his but the responses go to Zach.
CapBooks are weapons in the war of ideas.
Well, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Originally posted by Martin View PostI hope everything is taken care of without too much disruption to your life. Take care.Books are weapons in the war of ideas.
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, I learned tonight there is a new low in the King's Way Press debacle. Maybe fiasco is a better word? Guess who is now answering questions for Zach Powell? Paul Little! Nuff said on that score. Zach Powell did send me 1 or 2 free books. I am now firmly convinced I'll never see Poker Night or Silver/Solomon's Seal in my hands. If I do get the books, I might just faint. I've actually been considering taking the 3 or 4 King's Way Press titles I have and donating them at a thrift shop or a library.
Hey Dan-If this starts a bout of nastyness here so sorry and feel free to delete my post. Needed to speak my mind tonight.
I don't understand why he doesn't just admit defeat and close shop. He must be the only person on the planet who thinks that these books will ever be released. Or perhaps he doesn't and he just wants to recoup some money on his paperback releases.
Like you cap I have no doubt that the 2 books I ordered will never make their way to me.
Originally posted by Ranger View PostWhat a bizarre situation. Zach quite firmly stated that Paul Little had absolutely nothing to do with KWP. To now involve him in responding to queries seems nuts.
I don't understand why he doesn't just admit defeat and close shop. He must be the only person on the planet who thinks that these books will ever be released. Or perhaps he doesn't and he just wants to recoup some money on his paperback releases.
Like you Cap I have no doubt that the 2 books I ordered will never make their way to me.Books are weapons in the war of ideas.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Seriously, glad all is well, Steve.
Great news. I wish you good health moving forward.
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Looking for the fonting of youth.
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, today I got a second opinion regarding the medical issue affecting me. I do not need a surgery since what was bothering me has gone away. The second doctor told me many people have the same problem as me. Some people like myself seem to be more prone to this condition/problem. I'm smart enough to fully realize /understand this problem may well flare up again. I was very happy with the second doctor and was in a really good mood all day.Cap
Soooooo I'm sure everyone has seen this article already?
If you haven't I'll tell you it includes a tasty bit of info about the upcoming TV adaptation of THE STAND. It seems King has WRITTEN SOMETHING NEW--a CODA--for the final episode.
And so I got to thinking that there's this publisher who is going to be doing an new edition of this book and we're over a year away from actually seeing this book so MAYBE this new coda might perhaps maybe find its way into the book? Possibly? I'll be your friend!