Nah Scott, didn't really think Teri and you were the same person, it's just that Teri sounded a lot like you (in a good way) when she first came on board, just used far fewer words
Thanks for the tip. When this was announced I had no idea it was something following another book (or 2 books as the case is), but had heard somewhere that it followed these books. Good to hear for sure that it is so I don't read it right away when the CD edition ships, unless I get Offspring and read that and Off Season by then
Same here. I didn't know that there were 2 other books before The Woman. And I just finished reading The Woman, too!! Even though I didn't read the first 2, I still loved it, though. I just have to save my pennies for Off Season and Offspring.
Nothing. I don't do the "I should read this book" thing. If I can't say "I want to read this book", then I probably won't, regardless of how many people like it or consider it a "classic". I read many different types of books, but if I start one and it isn't doing anything for me, I stop reading.
But as far as there being many books I haven't read yet that I'd like to, sure, there's a ton, but I don't feel ashamed about that because that implies that you're applying someone else's standards of what's "proper" to your own behavior. And that I don't do.
I dont agree. Just because your ashamed you haven't read something doesn't mean you think you SHOULD read it. The ones I picked are ones I REALLY wanna read but ya can't read em all at once.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Different Seasons by Stephen King
The Foundation Trilogy by Asimov
So, what have you been meaning to read for a long time, but just haven't gotten to yet? You don't need to be "100%" ashamed, I will settle for mild embarrassment!!!
No offense, but dude you need to start reading!!!! Those are some "classic" titles you will never forget!!!
Reading is fundamental!!!!!
Take it from "Gramps"!!! I speak the truth!!! LOL
Oh, and add "The Magic of Xanth" by Piers Anthony, "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty, "The Shining" by Stephen King and "Ghost Story" by Peter Straub. Not to mention (which you didn't) "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien!!!!
I wonder what it takes to scare Frik if that movie did not.The original Chainsaw maybe.I liked the exorcist and it did scare me and still kind of creeps me out.