My grandmother left me shitloads of Agatha Christie (her favorite author) HCs and pbs. SHe'd read them all multiple times and sometimes she was too lazy to look for a copy of an AG book she knew she had, so she'd just buy another one! I've got multiple pb copies of a lot of AG's books.
Dr. Suess is listed ahead of Stephen King! I love it!.
I enjoy King, and Straub (from what I've read anyways), and I also enjoy Koontz a lot. I was lucky in that I was given a bunch of Koontz paperbacks, to go with the few I have purchased. He is different than King. He has some that are more of a sci-fi, and some that would be horror, but to me at least, he is more of a thriller writer? More possible real-world events - less supernatural, in some of the work I have read anyways.
Tommy - I would highly suggest you give Koontz a try. As far as recommendations - I loved Strangers, Voice of the Night was a quick read too, but also Whispers would be a good starting point.
Tommy, I never read that one. In fact your post is the first time I remember hearing about it. Let me (us) if you do give Koontz a try, and tell us what you think.
I saw this on someone's list. (Can't remember who.) Any way I found this and thought of this thread. I read A Brave New World and loved it, I thought I would share this,