But I gotta ask you, Mr. Woot...what search terms did you use to find that? Or do you have a website you use for all this stuff?? Or maybe you took this pic yourself when Connie wasn't looking.
Sssshhhhh Mr Boone - Connie still has another three kitty kats to play with - one less will not be noticed (fingers crossed) ...
Mr. Hocker showing his new Sake set reminded me of my one Sake item. My niece went on a school trip to Japan last year and brought me back a cool bottle of Sake. I display it with my books. P1170567.jpg
The hat is also a cup.
Love Southern Comfort, and those glasses are excellent. Bought some whiskey tumbers with that same base bubble design - were hand-made in Poland. I do enjoy a nice, heavy glass!
Hand made in Poland! Now that's a coincidence! Post some pics if you can, i'm looking for a nice set myself.
Sorry for the poor quality (webcam), one of my daughters has the camera!
Maker's name: KROSNO.
Contents of the glass: Johnnie Walker Double Black - a very nice drop!
Well, it's 26Feb, I have this night off, but I thought I would be somewhere else. For the the last three years, I've attended an AMC theater for the Oscars on the big screen--an event all for charity; but Kansas City was not on the list of cities hosting these events this year! The closest was St. Louis (a mere 4 hours away, but I decided not to go. It's not like it's a Stephen King event, where I spent $125 on a ticket and travelled 600 miles one way to see him). So I'm here at home tonight for the event. And, I've got some libation as well.
3 hours to go. They're probably doing the red carpet stuff right now. Not my thing, but if some like Christina Hendricks (or some other lady who doesn't look like an undernourished meerkat) were to walk down it wearing nothing but high heels, I might take a looky-loo. So it's just me and The Wind Through the Keyhole for the time being.......
The Oscars have begun (but not my consumption!); Billy Crystal sang his ode to the 9 nominated best picture nominees. I can't help but think of the opportunity he might have had if the movie Shame had been nominated. A segment on chronic masturbation would have been hysterical during the openning!