Can't use an ordinary pan here. If you cook with open grease and you light your house on fire the insurance company won't cover you. My brother got sued for $2000 once cuz his landlords insurance wouldnt cover the damage. We do it once in a while not often though, its hard to catch a flat top stove on fire but my dad managed to do it once now he is the only one allowed (how does that make sense) do use the open pan anymore. If I want fries I have to go to McDonalds. lol. I don't know if they'd consider that Japanese thing open grease or not...its open but the sides are really high and curled in.
I'm way to excited over a damn pan. lol. I dont know if theyre good enough for an insurance company but I'd feel comfortable enough to use one as long as I am watching it. Found one on ebay...currently resisting the urge. House First, cooking stuff
Does indeed! I'll have to try battle shots next time I have a chance. And a drinking buddy at hand. I don't think the mirror would be too good at battleshots.
Nope, Squire, think you may have got the Pennywise needed to take a dump part right, the rest, well, I reckon you may just have imagined that - or invented it to suit your own wicked ends
Well, I was away most of last week on several business trips, but the good thing about them is getting to visit places and eat and drink good stuff!
So, to start it off: Bierhalle. Its a restaurant made out to resemble a German pub. They brew their own beer on the spot. First off was what they call March beer. Very fresh. Followed by a big weissbeer, which was fantastic!!!