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Centipede will be releasing.....

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  • RonClinton
    I don't recall Jerad mentioning in his newsletter that WE HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN THE CASTLE is being done to the production standards of the original oversized edition of THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. That said, that doesn't mean it isn't, just that I don't recall him saying so, and I do recall his mentioned it a number of times leading up to HILL HOUSE, so my fingers are crossed that the trim size and whatnot will mirror the smaller, cheaper 2nd ed. of HILL HOUSE that he released, putting it somewhere perhaps between $125 and $200, I'd guess.

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    I'm hard pressed to think that it is going to be over $500. I haven't heard a thing about its production values, but I just don't see it getting anything near the treatment that Hill House did.
    It's a pretty short book, I don't think much more than $200.00 depending on the bells and Whistles.....

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  • bookworm 1
    I snagged an unsigned copy as well. This is my favorite Bachman book. Like others I could not justify the more expensive edition especially since all editions come with Mylar cover protection.

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  • sholloman81
    I snagged the unsigned as well. Much like Ron, I couldn't justify the cost of the signed limited, though I would love to have a slipcase for the unsigned.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Even though I have a 1st ed. HC of THE BACHMAN BOOKS, I went ahead and snagged an unsigned edition of the Centipede volume. It looks like a terrific production. Bev Vincent’s signature and a slipcase, though, and a smaller limitation didn’t make it worth for me three times the unsigned edition, especially with all the Centipede titles still to come in the next couple months.
    I don't mind the extra price for the slipcased edition. I can see, especially without a King signature, why going the unsigned edition route would be very popular.

    I'm also surprised how Jerad kept the book under wraps for so long. I had no clue that this was in the works. I'm sure that was deliberate. People were rather impatient for Dune, so I'm sure not wanting to deal with the constant questioning about when a King book would be finished went into his thinking.

    As far as saving money for all the upcoming Centipede titles, I can relate. All the backed up books have been coming fast and furious lately. It's been a very expensive last few months from Centipede with the future looking just as heavy...especially with the next Dune book on the horizon. With the recent uptick in the pricing of all limited editions, I'm re-evaluating my book collecting habits. I might need to scale back a bit in 2023.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by CyberGhostface View Post
    How much do you think We Have Always Lived in the Castle will cost? More than $500?
    I'm hard pressed to think that it is going to be over $500. I haven't heard a thing about its production values, but I just don't see it getting anything near the treatment that Hill House did.

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  • CyberGhostface
    How much do you think We Have Always Lived in the Castle will cost? More than $500?

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  • RonClinton
    Even though I have a 1st ed. HC of THE BACHMAN BOOKS, I went ahead and snagged an unsigned edition of the Centipede volume. It looks like a terrific production. Bev Vincent’s signature and a slipcase, though, and a smaller limitation didn’t make it worth for me three times the unsigned edition, especially with all the Centipede titles still to come in the next couple months.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Maybe I don't lurk the right social media areas to note otherwise, but I'm kinda surprised at the muted chatter on the King book. I know that its not signed by him and its not one of his big books, but even as a non-King collector, I was pretty excited by this announcement. The Long Walk is one of the few King books I've been meaning to get around to reading AND its being done by Centipede so it was nothing but good news for me. I know that this isn't one of King's "big" books like The Shining, The Stand, and whatnot, but I think it's a great selection for Centipede Press as it kinda hits Jerad's penchant for doing older overlooked books, and while one can't really say that King is "overlooked," The Long Walk fits that area in his bibliography. I'm sure that everyone is now hoping that Centipede will do all the Bachman books, but I think Rage will be the deal-breaker on that one.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    Signed copies still show on the page so still not sold out?
    No, they went fast. If you click on the signed order button PayPal will tell you it's sold out.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Signed copies still show on the page so still not sold out?

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  • TacomaDiver
    I picked up the unsigned edition - I can't justify the expense on the signed on. Surprised by how long the signed edition lasted, but maybe we all followed the instructions and no one posted the link.

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  • Dave1442397
    Did anyone else pick up The Long Walk today? I ordered one of each (signed & unsigned).

    The signed copies are gone now, and Jerad asked Kris Webster to post this link in his FB group, so I'm sure it's ok to post here:

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by Dave1442397 View Post

    Ron, that was a great article! I'd never heard of NEP, and it was a fascinating read. I went and picked up a copy of Animosity for $15 from Zeising.
    Thanks, and glad you enjoyed the article, was enjoyable piece to write and to speak to all those interviewees (14? 15?) of their memories of NEP and their own place in the genre at that time.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Don’t forget to pick up the WEIRD FICTION REVIEW this weekend, too…it has my new massive 20,000-word “Collecting the Modern Macabre” feature in it. For comparison, all my others (including the new one for 2023 that I just submitted today) have been under 10,000 words. It’s a big’un.
    Ron, that was a great article! I'd never heard of NEP, and it was a fascinating read. I went and picked up a copy of Animosity for $15 from Zeising.

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