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Suntup Editions - All Books

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  • Sock Monkey
    I will say that all the editions are incredibly beautiful and it is very clear that a lot of attention and love have been poured into these books. I'm curious to see how it'll sell.

    I will also say that this is the easiest "pass" for me ever. I understand the importance of the The Divine Comedy to literature, but I have absolutely no desire to read it.

    Congratulations to all who are excited about this edition and get a copy because it does look amazing.

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  • Ben Staad
    The Divine Comedy.

    Looks beyond gorgeous.

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  • Boggle Champion
    Caught Suntup's facebook live stream yesterday before the new book announcement. It sounds like this is gonna be a pricey edition.

    He mentioned that the community guesses haven't zeroed in on the right book yet. My guess is it's going to be The Odyssey.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Camelot is offering their copies of Butcher Boy & Johnny Got His Gun at 50% off. I already have them but figured I would post here in case someone has had their eye on them in the past.Â
    I saw this and have been very tempted to pick up a copy of the AE of The Butcher Boy. It would be a complete impulse buy, so I'm trying to hold off.

    Camelot also has copies of the signed 2nd printing of Caitlin Kiernan's From Weird and Distant Shores at $50, which is great price as well.

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  • sholloman81
    Camelot is offering their copies of Butcher Boy & Johnny Got His Gun at 50% off.  I already have them but figured I would post here in case someone has had their eye on them in the past. 

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  • Sock Monkey
    I was surprised at how many limited and lettered editions were available for sale this past weekend. When was the last time, if ever, that a Suntup lettered wasn't sold via lottery?

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    I can get behind a new oven - at least that's a fun purchase of sorts. I hated buying a new washer and dryer because it was such a boring purchase.
    I kinda liked getting a new washer last year. The old one was from 2007. The new one (LG) comes with an app that tells me when the wash is done, and has some useful cycles. The end-of-cycle music is not loud enough for me to hear it with the washer being in the basement, so the app is handy.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    This announcement was an incredibly easy pass. Of Mice and Men is, of course, a classic, but have no desire for an expensive edition on my shelf and $225 (!) for the AE killed any potential impulse buying.
    Honestly never read it, but there was no way I could justify the cost to have one.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    LOL. I still spread some cash around as well but it's being more carefully guarded these days. To point I just splashed down some bucks for a new oven this morning.

    I can get behind a new oven - at least that's a fun purchase of sorts. I hated buying a new washer and dryer because it was such a boring purchase.

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  • Sock Monkey
    This announcement was an incredibly easy pass. Of Mice and Men is, of course, a classic, but have no desire for an expensive edition on my shelf and $225 (!) for the AE killed any potential impulse buying.

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  • Ben Staad
    LOL. I still spread some cash around as well but it's being more carefully guarded these days. To point I just splashed down some bucks for a new oven this morning.

    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    I can relate to this sentiment, of course I did just drop $240 at SubPress on two LEs so maybe I don't feel it as strongly as you.

    Although, I am in the process of finishing the construction of my custom bookshelves in the basement (I cannot wait for all of that to come together so I can show it off. For someone who's learned everything he knows about woodworking from YouTube, and last took a shop class in the very early 90s, I'm pleased with how things are coming together.)

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Looks like today's book is "Of Mice and Men". Anybody planning to purchase this? It's nice looking, but it's going to be a pass for me. Price is also a little higher than I would have expected, but I almost always feel that way when a book averages over a dollar per page. Maybe I'll try to grab a copy up the road on the aftermarket assuming it doesn't get even more pricey. It really is a great story!
    An easy pass for me. I know I liked the story when I read it (probably 30 years ago) but I have no interest in buying a special edition of it.


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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    I've been feeling this way for awhile now but I truly think my collecting days may be over. The prices are just becoming to much of a burden for this working bum to keep up with.
    I can relate to this sentiment, of course I did just drop $240 at SubPress on two LEs so maybe I don't feel it as strongly as you.

    Although, I am in the process of finishing the construction of my custom bookshelves in the basement (I cannot wait for all of that to come together so I can show it off. For someone who's learned everything he knows about woodworking from YouTube, and last took a shop class in the very early 90s, I'm pleased with how things are coming together.)

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  • Ben Staad
    Pass for me. Great story but I don't feel the need to own a copy of it in a collectable state. Plus that price point is not where I am comfortable at.

    I've been feeling this way for awhile now but I truly think my collecting days may be over. The prices are just becoming to much of a burden for this working bum to keep up with.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Looks like today's book is "Of Mice and Men". Anybody planning to purchase this? It's nice looking, but it's going to be a pass for me. Price is also a little higher than I would have expected, but I almost always feel that way when a book averages over a dollar per page. Maybe I'll try to grab a copy up the road on the aftermarket assuming it doesn't get even more pricey. It really is a great story!
    I'll be passing as well. Interestingly, I reread this novella earlier this year via a $2 pb I bought from a Clearance table at my local HPB, and still enjoyed's a story well-told, if a bit predictable these days, obviously, since it's become just part of our literary lexicon. I can understand why Paul chose to honor the story with a deluxe treatment.

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