I want to Alien Covenant, but an starting to second guess how much...... Alien is what it is - space horror basically. Prometheus, was for me, a very interesting sci-fi (more sci-fi than horror), and almost a story about human origin, space exploration, etc. Yes, it had lots of hints to Alien, but Scott really tried to distance it from the Alien franchise at first (I believe). I have heard reviews that say AC is too much Alien, and not enough Prometheus - I think those who are familiar with both, will know what I mean. You might also understand my hesitance.
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Originally posted by TJCams View PostI want to Alien Covenant, but an starting to second guess how much...... Alien is what it is - space horror basically. Prometheus, was for me, a very interesting sci-fi (more sci-fi than horror), and almost a story about human origin, space exploration, etc. Yes, it had lots of hints to Alien, but Scott really tried to distance it from the Alien franchise at first (I believe). I have heard reviews that say AC is too much Alien, and not enough Prometheus - I think those who are familiar with both, will know what I mean. You might also understand my hesitance.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostI haven't heard great things about it. Mostly that if you liked Promethus (or at least enjoyed it) that you will probably like this. That said I have also hear that Alien Covenant makes Promethus better. Personally I can't say much, Promethus was a "DVD" watch for me, and Alien Covenant will be the same.. So I'm going to see AC tomorrow afternoon. I've wasted $7 on dumber shit so no big loss if it's a bust for me.
I didn't dislike it or like it. I was mostly just bored by it.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostI didn't dislike Prometheus, I just felt it was flawed. I plan on doing a prequel double feature when Covenant comes out on Blu and see how I feel at that point.
Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostI didn't dislike it or like it. I was mostly just bored by it.
I haven't seen either of those films yet, however there is a general bias towards action Sci-fi. Three of my favorite sci-fi films are slower paced and have been overlooked for years. Blade Runner, I saw in theaters when it first came out and all I heard was "Boring". It was thoughtful, full of feeling. Gattaca, Holy Crap what a movie, so much to say. Dark City, classic. Then of course, you have rogue one....LOL! I actually enjoyed that one, especially since they killed everybody HAHAHA!
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostI haven't seen either of those films yet, however there is a general bias towards action Sci-fi. Three of my favorite sci-fi films are slower paced and have been overlooked for years. Blade Runner, I saw in theaters when it first came out and all I heard was "Boring". It was thoughtful, full of feeling. Gattaca, Holy Crap what a movie, so much to say. Dark City, classic. Then of course, you have rogue one....LOL! I actually enjoyed that one, especially since they killed everybody HAHAHA!
Originally posted by TJCams View PostI really find this true for books as well. These types get the hype over the more hard/realistic sci-fi. I really have to watch Blade Runner - I don't know if I ever saw it or not, and with the Blade Runner 2049 movie coming..... I did recently read the book that Blade Runner is based off of though.
Originally posted by TJCams View PostI think this is why the general public/critics tend to shun the more philosophical sci-fi type movies. They do tend to be boring. See 2001 as a prefect example. Ex Machina is another example - really, it was quite boring, but was fantastic.
2001 on the other hand is probably just a strong case of a movie being before my time. I don't think it holds up as well with time as some of the other movies in the same category. It just doesn't work for me.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by mhatchett View PostIt's stunning. I think you'll see how it influenced many films that came afterwards.
Blade Runner is an example of another movie that was before my time, but I actually like it, though not to the extent that a lot of people like Blade runner. My biggest problem with it is how many different version of the movie there are and which one is the real true version.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Brian861 View PostThat's what my kid was telling me. That I really needed to watch Prometheus again before going to see AC. That's the word he used also about Prometheus; flawed. It'll be an after the fact thing at this point though.Spoiler!So James Franco is doing guess appearances now in film LOL. Many dislike his acting but I've always been a fan.
I think I rented Blade Runner back in the day on VHS. I think I also remember being bored with the film. My wife is a fan of it so I'll have to re-watch it as well before seeing 2049.
Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostSee I wouldn't put Prometheus in either of those camps. I like most philosophical sci-fi. Ex Machina is a perfect example, as that movie was fantastic. But while Prometheus had an interesting concept the execution of that concept was just kinda poor, which made for a boring film.
2001 on the other hand is probably just a strong case of a movie being before my time. I don't think it holds up as well with time as some of the other movies in the same category. It just doesn't work for me.
Love Blade Runner, for about the same reason as I love 2001. Great story, visuals, and themes. I agree that it sucks a bit about all the different cuts, but what can you do. It's not a detriment to the film itself I think.
I also am a big Dark City fan. A great combination of neo-noir and sci-fi. Well cast and executed too. Some of the effects don't quite stand up, but c'est la vie. Also interesting how many films kind of had the same concept at the time, 13th Floor, The Truman Show and of course The Matrix. All were subtle spins on Plato's Cave or Descarte's Brain in a Jar. All of which were pretty good.
Gattaca was a solid flick too, very poignant as well and stands up well.Last edited by Theli; 06-01-2017, 04:41 PM.