40 pages into Key to Midnight - not sure if I will finish this. I mean it's not terrible, but I can see something else slipping it's way in before I finish this. Mind you I usually never have more than 1 on the go at a time.
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Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Sitting at Powell's waiting for Joe Hill tonight and trying to finish up NOS4A2. Will not be done by the time he arrives but am still loving the book. My 14 year old asked to come and on the way I explained the plots to each of his books and told her to pick one and I would buy it for her so she could get it signed. She picked NOS4A2 and is sitting and reading now.
Originally posted by Liam Doyle View PostI've got Dead City, Flesh Eaters and Mutated by Joe McKinney all lined up for purchase. Might even throw John Russo's Night of the Living Dead & Return of the Living Dead in the ol' cart too. Midway through World War Z at the moment so I've got zombie fever.
Reading The Genesis Code by Lisa Von Biela and am really enjoying this Techno-Thriller!WARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
Finished Speaks the Nightbird by Robert McCammon. I know that this series has been a huge hit for McCammon and it is great to have him back writing on a regular basis (bring on I Travel by Night!) but I found getting through the middle of this book a chore. I actually set it down for the better part of a year before picking it back up again. The final third really stepped up the pace and I enjoyed it about as much as the first third, but I really felt as if this book could have been trimmed down to help the pacing. I will say that the world builiding was fantastic. I'm on the fence about if I'm going to continue with the series as that most reviews say that this one is the best. Any thoughts?
I guess the first one did have it's slower parts, but the story and the writing were great. I have only read through vol. 3 of the 4 currently published, but loved them both. Rick does take his time with the pace of the stories at times, but that was never an issue for me. He has vol. 5 of 10 written and I believe it will be out next year.
Now that I'm back in the land of the living, I'm going to try to finish The Great Succession Crisis by Laura A. Rockefeller, another Goodreads win. She is a self-styled "master world builder" (is that a CSA thing?) who fancies herself the heir of Tolkien. She said she doesn't "imagine" worlds, she "extrapolates them from real data"--whatever that means; but that's the problem. There's no imagination to her story, which isn't too bad. She's very pretentious in her writing and is more in love with herself than anything else.
Oh well..."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
I am now about 40% done with The Key to Midnight and will admit it is actually pretty good. More of a mystery-crime type thriller, but Koontz is kind of known for that right? I'm deep enough into it where I really want to know the end of the story. After this though, I will probably pick up a sci-fi (see my other thread about recommendations) to change things up a bit. I have a bunch of King novels to read, plus found Silence of the Lambs at a garage sale on the weekend.
I didn't get much reading in on the holiday weekend that just passed.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostFinished Speaks the Nightbird by Robert McCammon. I know that this series has been a huge hit for McCammon and it is great to have him back writing on a regular basis (bring on I Travel by Night!) but I found getting through the middle of this book a chore. I actually set it down for the better part of a year before picking it back up again. The final third really stepped up the pace and I enjoyed it about as much as the first third, but I really felt as if this book could have been trimmed down to help the pacing. I will say that the world builiding was fantastic. I'm on the fence about if I'm going to continue with the series as that most reviews say that this one is the best. Any thoughts?
You should definitely give The Queen of Bedlam a go!