I've posted my SLOWWWWW Progress all along so I may as well continue...100 pages of "It" left to go.
No announcement yet.
What are you currently reading?
I'm going crazy again. I'm about halfway through the DFW autobiography, and today from the library I picked up:
"The Crying of Lot 49" - Thomas Pynchon
CD's own "The Horror Hall of Fame - The Stoker Winners"
"Advent" by James Treadwell
"The Tourist" by Olen Steinhauer
"Floating Staircase" by Ronald Malfi
I wish I had more brains so I could read more books at the same time.
Just finished The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and have moved onto Life, the Universe and EverythingCD Email: [email protected]
Non-Work related social media and what not:
Buy my stuff! - https://www.etsy.com/shop/HockersWoodWorks
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Well I decided to read the forward to Stephen King is Richard Bachman from my other publishers grab bag and it sucked me in. I am now about half way through the book and really enjoying it. It is reminding me how much I enjoyed the early Bachman books. Something tells me I will be re-reading Rage and The Long Walk in 2013!
I hated the long walk. Couldn't wait to get through it. Loved Rage. I started reading "The bachman books" and stopped halfway through Road Work because I couldnt get into the bachman stuff. I'm sure I will finish some day
On a Lighter note I FINALLY finished "It" which only took me so long as a combination of shit going on, moving, and being lazy. So It's finally done and Movie rewatched. Very disapointing but I was expecting to be disapointed anyway.
Now I am on to A Face In the Crowd which I have been too tired to get very far in but I am not liking it so far at 15 pages in. Most of the ebook is excerpts from other books so its only 35 pages so I am halfway there. Prob finish tonight then move on to Full Dark No Stars before venturing into another long one...11/22/63
Well, I had 2 days off last week to end the week (Thursday and Friday). Finished off the stories of Night Shift - some were pretty darn good, others I didn't enjoy much, but it was a good fairly quick read - kept me reading so....can't complain.
Also - read both chapbooks I got from CD - Bad Dreams/New Screams and Horror Drive in - both were enjoyable, and again, I finished them off in a couple hours.
Now..... started Tick Tock by Koontz. The story seemed intriguing to me, got the book for nothing. I was tossing around a few from my TBR pile and picked this one. Why? Because it is only 340 or so pages, so I should be able to knock it off fairly quick. Then I can dive into another of the King paperbacks I have (It, Pet Semetary or Salem's Lot - probably Salem's Lot) before I finish off my Koontz TBRs. However...... I also have Pork Pie Hat and Killing Ghost waiting too.
Killing Ghost took a long time to get going--once it did, it was pretty good. My problem with it was I didn't really care about the main character. And the moments of that made my spine all tingly were merely sentences that ended chapters. I felt cheated most of the time. Oh well.
Gonna take a break from reading for a bit (right, I've told myself that many times--I might last a day.)
"I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Went back to the "Nightside" series by Simon R. Green. Better than Butcher, but not quite as good as Kadrey.
And still working my way through "The Watchers" by Jon Steele.
Just read "Life's Missing Instruction Manual" by Joe Vitale.
Oh, and "Sorry Please Thank You" by Charles Wu. Can't remember if I mentioned that one already. It was ok in small doses. Fortunately it wasn't a large book.