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  • sholloman81
    Just finished the DRP Anniversary edition of Jack Ketchum's "Offspring". The DRP edition turned out really well with one big caveat. To start with the positive, I really love both the cover and interior artwork, and that the book is oversized. Fits the story perfectly and matches the DRP Offseason very well. The book cloth and other materials used also seem to be of very good quality. Also has a cool signature page signed by the editors and Thomas Moteleone. Also love all of the bonus features such as the film photos, interviews, and screenplay. Nice to have all of that stuff together in one place.

    All that being said, there was one big issue with this book. It has way more typos than was acceptable to me. I felt like I was catching at least one every few chapters. Even worse, I found a "doubling" of text on page 128. I try to give a little leeway when it comes to typos/text issues but had a hard time with this book, especially when you add in the fact that it took over 4 years to produce this book and that it is a limited edition. LE's really should be as close to perfect as possible, and it feels like more than enough time to catch these sort of errors in production. I've never really noticed this sort of issue in any of the past DRP books that I have purchased and decided to reach out to them because of it. They essentially told me that the book was proofread multiple times and that some of the errors may have been created in the design process. Wasn't exactly thrilled with that response. If a design process can create this sort of issue with the text, then shouldn't there be some sort of review process to check/catch it before publishing?ÂÂÂ Oh well, enough of my whining. Overall, without this issue, this would have been a darn near perfect release in my opinion.

    Side Note- Does typos in a book remind anyone else of a scratched vinyl record?

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished the Thunderstorm Books LE of Christopher Golden's "Road of Bones". Enjoyed the heck out of this one! Very real feeling characters, and the Kolyma highway was a very cool setting for a story. Also enjoyed the mythology in this one. Had a very unique antagonist that I found to be quite chilling, had a sort of Lovecraftian feel to it. Overall, very glad to add this to both my Thunderstorm and Golden collections.

    Am currently reading the DRP Anniversary edition of Jack Ketchum's "Offspring" that I received last week. One of my all-time favorite writers and stories. Love the Dead River series and the "Woman" character.

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  • RonClinton
    Finishing up Peter Heller's THE PAINTER, and will then -- finally -- start LITERARY HAUNTINGS.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I am nearing completion of Owen King's "The Curator". I link it to your comments because it keeps reminding me of "Ninth House". I do not mean that as a complement as "Ninth House" was a slog for me. Unfortunately, "The Curator" is leaving the same feeling. The story is "meh" and I have failed to connect with any characters. If you like "Ninth House" you may really enjoy this. Both of them make me remember everything I disliked about Science Fiction in my youth. A bunch of world building at the expense of an intriguing story or character development. I am not done so it may change but I see no evidence that it will get better.
    Glad to hear your feelings on both books. I've been torn about whether or not to pick-up the new Owen King book. I loved "We're All in This Together"; however, everything else I've read by him has left me cold. Was hoping that someone would convince me that the new one was a return to form. Don't think that is going to happen as the reception to this one has been pretty muted (at least in the corners of the interweb that I haunt).

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just finished Leigh Bardugo's "Hell Bent". This was book II in the "Ninth House" series. Overall, it was a very fun read. If you enjoyed Ninth House, then you will definitely enjoy this one too. Can't wait to see where the next book in the series goes!

    Will be reading the Thunderstorm Books LE of Christopher Golden's Road of Bones next!
    I am nearing completion of Owen King's "The Curator". I link it to your comments because it keeps reminding me of "Ninth House". I do not mean that as a complement as "Ninth House" was a slog for me. Unfortunately, "The Curator" is leaving the same feeling. The story is "meh" and I have failed to connect with any characters. If you like "Ninth House" you may really enjoy this. Both of them make me remember everything I disliked about Science Fiction in my youth. A bunch of world building at the expense of an intriguing story or character development. I am not done so it may change but I see no evidence that it will get better.

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished Leigh Bardugo's "Hell Bent". This was book II in the "Ninth House" series. Overall, it was a very fun read. If you enjoyed Ninth House, then you will definitely enjoy this one too. Can't wait to see where the next book in the series goes!

    Will be reading the Thunderstorm Books LE of Christopher Golden's Road of Bones next!

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  • RonClinton
    Just finished DON'T LET THEM GET YOU DOWN by Philip Fracassi, and previous to that was Sarah Pinborough's BEHIND HER EYES. Both were very good reads, though each fell short of excellent for varying (and different) reasons. Not sure what I'm onto next...maybe some genre-related non-fiction, like LITERARY HAUNTINGS from Tartarus Press.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    Finished up Mexican Gothic which I LOVED - can't wait to read more from Silvia Morena-Garcia.

    Also finally got around to reading Replay from Ken Grimwood. I remember this being on my radar for years but never read it. Love it as well! Even though I'm not a time traveler (or am I?) I could relate because I would probably done the same things the main character did - make lots of money, have lots of sex, take lots of drugs, and then figure out what I really should be doing with this "opportunity".

    Currently reading Hidden Pictures from Jason Rekulak. Got a good Kindle deal a while back and it was handy since I was currently using my Kindle. Enjoying it so far - about 20% done I think.
    REPLAY is wonderful, one of my favorite books since I read it back in the late '80s, maybe early '90s.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Finished up Mexican Gothic which I LOVED - can't wait to read more from Silvia Morena-Garcia.

    Also finally got around to reading Replay from Ken Grimwood. I remember this being on my radar for years but never read it. Love it as well! Even though I'm not a time traveler (or am I?) I could relate because I would probably done the same things the main character did - make lots of money, have lots of sex, take lots of drugs, and then figure out what I really should be doing with this "opportunity".

    Currently reading Hidden Pictures from Jason Rekulak. Got a good Kindle deal a while back and it was handy since I was currently using my Kindle. Enjoying it so far - about 20% done I think.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by brlesh View Post

    DNF’d The Bone Weaver’s Orchard at the half way point. Very disappointing, especially after all the glowing reviews I read about it.
    That's disappointing - I too picked it up (and Out of Water based on some of the reviews). I haven't read it yet though - maybe I'll have a different experience.

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  • brlesh
    Screams from the Dark, a very large (nearly 500 pages) anthology of monster stories edited by Ellen Datlow.

    Only 4 stories in at this point, so the jury is still out on this one, though I really did like the opening piece by Ian Rogers.


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  • sholloman81
    Just finished Jonathan Janz's "Blood Country", a sequel to "The Raven". Really enjoyed the heck out of this one like I do most of Janz's books. The characterization was top-notch. The worldbuilding in this series is also really fun. Lots of cool and in some cases very unexpected monsters for the group to run across and in some cases battle. Author also isn't afraid to kill his darlings in this one. Looking forward to the next book in this series!

    Think I will be reading Leigh Bardugo's "Hell Bent" next. Really enjoyed her "Ninth House" book a few years ago and this one is a sequel to that.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just finished Jeff Vandermeer's "Hummingbird Salamander". Hurts me to write this because I'm such a huge Vandermeer fan, but IMO this was one of the worst books that I have read in ages. The first half of the book is very bewildering and off-putting. The second half is slightly better, if only because you can finally grasp the edges of an actual story. Love Vandermeer's dedication to nature and conservation, but this one was a slog and felt like one long screed to nature and his philosophy of conservation. Sure wish I hadn't picked-up the signed LE. Hopefully his next book is a return to form because I do generally love his writing!

    Think I will be starting Jonathan Janz's "Blood Country" next!
    I was worried about this with HUMMINGBIRD. The bad reviews have killed my desire to read the book. Now to decide between letting the limited sit on the shelf and maybe come around to reading it at some point in the distant future or just dump it in the secondary market and move on.

    To be honest, I kinda feel like the limited edition was overpriced for what was delivered. This should’ve been a $60-70 book in my opinion, not $125.

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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by brlesh View Post
    About half way through The Bone Weaver’s Orchard by Sarah Read.

    Not being invested in either the story line or the characters is making this short novel a slow read to this point.

    DNF’d The Bone Weaver’s Orchard at the half way point. Very disappointing, especially after all the glowing reviews I read about it.

    Started A Sliver of Darkness, the first short story collection from CJ Tudor.

    I’m a big fan of Tudor’s work, and 125 pages in and enjoying it a lot.


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  • sholloman81
    Just finished Jeff Vandermeer's "Hummingbird Salamander". Hurts me to write this because I'm such a huge Vandermeer fan, but IMO this was one of the worst books that I have read in ages. The first half of the book is very bewildering and off-putting. The second half is slightly better, if only because you can finally grasp the edges of an actual story. Love Vandermeer's dedication to nature and conservation, but this one was a slog and felt like one long screed to nature and his philosophy of conservation. Sure wish I hadn't picked-up the signed LE. Hopefully his next book is a return to form because I do generally love his writing!

    Think I will be starting Jonathan Janz's "Blood Country" next!

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