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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just a finished reading the Thunderstorm LE of Kevin Lucia's "The Horror at Pleasant Brook". I think I would give it a solid B to B- grade. This was my first read by Lucia and I liked it a lot. Felt like old school 80's horror run through a modern filter and had lots of good gore. Also had some strong characterization, especially the relationship between Scott & Jasper which really jumped off the page. I also liked that it was set in our current time period rather than the past or something undefined. Have always felt like a lot of authors/stories avoid that; so, it always feels a bit ballsy when it does occur. All that being said, this novel did have a couple small dings which pulled down my overall grade. There were a few phrases and plot points that I felt were mentioned a few too many times leading to the book feeling a little padded and some sections to feel repetitive. For example, I felt like this story occurring during Covid was mentioned way too many times. As a reader, I got it after the first few mentions and didn't need it to keep being hammered-on as to why a town looking emptier than normal might be overlooked. Also, and I don't know if this was an issue with the printer or proofreader, but this one could have used some slightly better editing as I did run across a few grammatical errors and misspellings which occasionally would pull me out of the story and cause me to have to reread a line/section. All that being said, this was still a very positive read and I will definitely be looking out for Lucia's future novels. MY GRADE IS B to B-.

    Think I will be reading the Thunderstorm LE of Phillip Fracassi's "Behold the Void" next. This will be my first Fracassi and I can't wait to see if the hype is true!
    Other than the opening story, which I was kind of lukewarm about, there’s not a bad story in Behold the Void.


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  • brlesh
    I’m a third of the way through Imajica by Clive Barker (275 pages). Been reading it for the last week.

    Don’t really have an opinion at this point, as the story tends to run hot and cold for me, though I do have this niggling feeling in the back of my head that I wish Barker would get on with it.


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  • sholloman81
    Just finished reading the Thunderstorm LE of Kevin Lucia's "The Horror at Pleasant Brook". I think I would give it a solid B to B- grade. This was my first read by Lucia and I liked it a lot. Felt like old school 80's horror run through a modern filter and had lots of good gore. Also had some strong characterization, especially the relationship between Scott & Jasper which really jumped off the page. I also liked that it was set in our current time period rather than the past or something undefined. Have always felt like a lot of authors/stories avoid that; so, it always feels a bit ballsy when it does occur. All that being said, this novel did have a couple small dings which pulled down my overall grade. There were a few phrases and plot points that I felt were mentioned a few too many times leading to the book feeling a little padded and some sections to feel repetitive. For example, I felt like this story occurring during Covid was mentioned way too many times. As a reader, I got it after the first few mentions and didn't need it to keep being hammered-on as to why a town looking emptier than normal might be overlooked. Also, and I don't know if this was an issue with the printer or proofreader, but this one could have used some slightly better editing as I did run across a few grammatical errors and misspellings which occasionally would pull me out of the story and cause me to have to reread a line/section. All that being said, this was still a very positive read and I will definitely be looking out for Lucia's future novels. MY GRADE IS B to B-.

    Think I will be reading the Thunderstorm LE of Phillip Fracassi's "Behold the Void" next. This will be my first Fracassi and I can't wait to see if the hype is true!

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  • dannyboy121070
    Originally posted by brlesh View Post

    Carlton Mellick, now there’s a name you don’t hear any more!

    I think this would have been a hard sell back in the day, especially given the published price of Infernal House books.


     The Laird Barron made me tap out, so you can imagine how I felt about the Mellick, lol.

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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post

    Yes, thank you! I was thinking about the proposed 5th book, which was supposed to be, I believe, Carlton Mellick. I think the press folded before it was officially announced.
    Carlton Mellick, now there’s a name you don’t hear any more!

    I think this would have been a hard sell back in the day, especially given the published price of Infernal House books.


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  • brlesh
    Finished Cruel Stories by Donald Tyson. It was an OK collection, which at times, even with its short length, felt padded, especially with the closing novella length story.

    After that, read The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, Crystal Lake Publishing chapbook edition.

    A classic that still holds up after multiple reads.


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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just finished the Thunderstorm LE of Tyler Jones' collection "Turn Up the Sun". It was fantastic! One of the best collections that I've read in ages. Each novella was heartbreaking and terrifying (OMG, the Rats scene in one of these stories was extra-horrific!). Haven't been able to stop thinking about these novellas since completing this book. I will definitely be picking up this author's stuff going forward and cannot wait until Earthling announces Midas later this year. I'll be pre-ordering that for sure!

    Think I will be reading the Thunderstorm LE of Kevin Lucia's "The Horror at Pleasant Brook" next.
    Sounds like Turn Up the Sun was a great read! I shall now go back to kicking myself for passing on it...

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished the Thunderstorm LE of Tyler Jones' collection "Turn Up the Sun". It was fantastic! One of the best collections that I've read in ages. Each novella was heartbreaking and terrifying (OMG, the Rats scene in one of these stories was extra-horrific!). Haven't been able to stop thinking about these novellas since completing this book. I will definitely be picking up this author's stuff going forward and cannot wait until Earthling announces Midas later this year. I'll be pre-ordering that for sure!

    Think I will be reading the Thunderstorm LE of Kevin Lucia's "The Horror at Pleasant Brook" next.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    I'm looking forward to "Midas" as well, especially after reading "Turn Up the Sun"! I passed on last year's Fracassi Halloween book and am still kicking myself for it. Don't think I'll ever be able to afford the LE on the aftermarket unless it comes down bigtime. Â
    Same on that Fracassi book. Hovering around $300 on the aftermarket, which is just too much for me. Same goes for when I passed on Goblin by Malerman that one year. I am on the list for the lettered but I doubt I'm high enough on there to actually get one and the limited is too much on the aftermarket at this point.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    Got a feeling that it might be extra hard to come by, especially after Jones gets some more limelight from Earthling's Halloween book this year coming from him. Midas is the title, I believe. I definitely won't be missing out on that one if I can help it.
    I'm looking forward to "Midas" as well, especially after reading "Turn Up the Sun"!  I passed on last year's Fracassi Halloween book and am still kicking myself for it.  Don't think I'll ever be able to afford the LE on the aftermarket unless it comes down bigtime.  
    Last edited by sholloman81; 04-04-2023, 10:01 PM.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Don't blame you a bit as I personally love these omnibus editions. I don't purchase Ebooks or paperbacks; so, a lot of times, I'd never get a chance to read these novellas unless they are collected into a hardcover edition such as this. It also doesn't hurt that these omnibus editions usually have extras and top-notch production value.

    Just completed the first novella in the Jones collection, Criterium, and it was awesome. Haven't been able to stop thinking about it. The characters felt so real, and the hurt cuts so deeply in this story. If the rest of the novellas are close to that level, then I would definitely track down this book on the aftermarket.Â
    Your first paragraph sums up my exact feelings about the omnibus editions as well...and just goes to show how much wiser you are than I as you actually BUY the books instead of, you know, NOT buying them and then beating yourself up over it.

    Thanks for the feedback on the first novella. Unless you post differently upon finishing the entire book, I'll be putting this on my list. Got a feeling that it might be extra hard to come by, especially after Jones gets some more limelight from Earthling's Halloween book this year coming from him. Midas is the title, I believe. I definitely won't be missing out on that one if I can help it.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    I passed on this and I’m really mad at myself. Every time Thunderstorm offers these novella omnibuses, I hold off for one stupid reason or another and then kick myself repeatedly when it sells out. I just need to pull the trigger and not be so darn wishy-washy.

    I’m curious as to your thoughts when you get done and if this should be put at the top of my aftermarket search list.
    Don't blame you a bit as I personally love these omnibus editions.  I don't purchase Ebooks or paperbacks; so, a lot of times, I'd never get a chance to read these novellas unless they are collected into a hardcover edition such as this.  It also doesn't hurt that these omnibus editions usually have extras and top-notch production value.

    Just completed the first novella in the Jones collection, Criterium, and it was awesome.  Haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  The characters felt so real, and the hurt cuts so deeply in this story.  If the rest of the novellas are close to that level, then I would definitely track down this book on the aftermarket. 

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Think I will be starting the Thunderstorm LE of Tyler Jones' collection "Turn Up the Sun" next. Have never read anything by him but have heard good things.
    I passed on this and I’m really mad at myself. Every time Thunderstorm offers these novella omnibuses, I hold off for one stupid reason or another and then kick myself repeatedly when it sells out. I just need to pull the trigger and not be so darn wishy-washy.

    I’m curious as to your thoughts when you get done and if this should be put at the top of my aftermarket search list.

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished the DRP limited edition of Josh Malerman's "Malorie". Really enjoyed this one. In fact, I think I liked it even more than Birdbox. Malerman really nailed the characters, especially Malorie's children. This novel also had some surprises and twists that I just didn't see coming. It's so enjoyable when an author can keep you off-balance, in a good way. Also really enjoyed the production values on this one. Like that it was oversized, and really enjoyed all the Glen Chadbourne artwork. It really does match their previous edition of Birdbox perfectly, and I'm so glad to have both in my collection.

    Think I will be starting the Thunderstorm LE of Tyler Jones' collection "Turn Up the Sun" next. Have never read anything by him but have heard good things.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    I bought a Brubaker Humble Bundle awhile back, and got a ton of his independent stuff that was just awesome.
    That's very cool. I stepped away from comics for a very long time and still can't honestly say that I'm back into them, but I've dabbled a little bit recently as with the Gotham Central collection, but a lot if has been for nostalgia's sake. I do feel like I've missed out on a lot of Brubaker's comics over the past years and have been tempted to start picking them up. I'm just not sure how much money I want to start pouring back into this hobby. The limited edition book collecting has become more expensive recently so finances are a little stretched. Maybe the library has some collected editions.

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