Decided to hold off on finishing Bullettime due to it being October and I want to read something more appropriate to the season. Going to start reading Kin a little later today
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Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
I agree with Martin; Ghost Story is amazing! Definitely in my top five favorite books of all time! If my TBR pile wasn't so huge (and growning) I'd read it again. Maybe one day soon.Originally posted by bookworm 1 View Post70 pages in to Ghost Story.Very interesting book.I like the stories within the story.I can not believe it took me so long to get to this book.
Welcome TJ. Strangers is one of my favorite books.I have been thinking about rereading it.Probably not till next year as I have so much to get to.Originally posted by TJCams View PostGreets all - first post too by the way.
Currently reading, just started today in fact, Strangers by Koontz.
A co-worker dumped 5 of his books on me last week - as I had great experience with a few of his other novels (Phantoms, Voice of the Night, Shattered, and Whispers).
I don't get as much reading time as I'd like - life is busy! Strangers (so far) is one of those books where the author gets right into off the start. I have not read a Koontz book I haven't liked yet. Only read a few mind you. First one was The Voice of The Night, then Phantoms. Both were great IMO. A friend of mine gave me a 3 story book of Koontz that has Shattered, Whispers, and Watchers in it. Didn't read Watchers yet, but the other two were also good!
I noticed you were reading Ghost Story - I really want to pick myself up a copy of this. I read If You Could See Me Now by Straub - it was pretty good, although there were some really dry parts too.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Welcome to the board!Originally posted by TJCams View PostGreets all - first post too by the way.
Currently reading, just started today in fact, Strangers by Koontz.
A co-worker dumped 5 of his books on me last week - as I had great experience with a few of his other novels (Phantoms, Voice of the Night, Shattered, and Whispers).