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  • Martin
    Not familiar with the stories but the presentation is beautiful. Is there any story on why they reduced the print run after the first book?

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  • Dave1442397
    Very nice! I passed on the Sub Press Themis Files set - can't buy everything!

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  • TacomaDiver
    I remember really like the first book in the Themis Files trilogy from Sylvain Neuvel - Sleeping Giants. The next two weren't as good in my opinion, but I still enjoyed the series.

    After the series ended, I recall tweet at Bill at SubPress that this trilogy would make a nice set of books to publish and what do you know - SubPress did publish a set. They also published a Murderbot collection after I tweeted at them. Pretty sure everyone owes me something for this . . ..

    But I digress.

    In addition to the standard trade 1/1 hardcovers, and the SubPress set, I now own the signed and numbered UK versions. I really like the whole presentation - from the matching covers, to the sprayed edges, to the matching black end papers. The whole set just looks really nice!


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  • Martin
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    The Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.

    I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.

    RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.
    Thunderstorm is definitely the most creative company out there when it comes to end papers.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    The Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.

    I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.

    RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.
    Yeah, those Tremblay books are beautiful, the usual high-quality job from Paul @ Thunderstorm.

    I've eyeballed that TRUE GRIT volume for probably two years, but like you just never pulled the trigger on it. Got close a couple times, but backed away from the keyboard...finally had enough of lusting after it and reading all the glowing reviews and articles on Portis' work, and when I received a $10 discount code, that was enough to push me off the fence. 'Course, with my luck, after waiting two years now Suntup will probably do a lovely AE of it that'll blow Folio's very attractive edition out of the water, but...

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  • TacomaDiver
    The Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.

    I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.

    RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.

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  • Dave1442397
    True Grit was good. I'd never read it, and just got the e-book a few months ago.

    Let the Right One In and a signed 1st edition of Harlan Ellison's Approaching Oblivion arrived today. I had my Suntup books sandwiched between King and Ellison, but I've run out of room. Again.

    I have a few more Ellison books on the way, so it's time to rearrange things.

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  • Ben Staad
    Thanks. I like the idea of reading in style as well. It's much more fun that way.

    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    Let me know if you can't find it. I have a trade-paperback of it that I bought intending to read, before throwing caution to the wind and ordering the deluxe Folio edition so as to read it in style.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Congrats. The Tremblay books look very sharp.

    On a side note I thought I had purchased a copy of True Grit but don't see it anywhere.
    Let me know if you can't find it. I have a trade-paperback of it that I bought intending to read, before throwing caution to the wind and ordering the deluxe Folio edition so as to read it in style.

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  • Ben Staad
    Congrats. The Tremblay books look very sharp.

    On a side note I thought I had purchased a copy of True Grit but don't see it anywhere.

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  • RonClinton
    Just received the new Paul Tremblay set from Thunderstorm Books, and in fact featured it today on Twitter:

    Also received IN THE SHADOWS OF MEN, the S/L HC from Robert Jackson Bennett, published by Subterranean Press. Got it at a sweet deal on one of their recent blowout/ding (no dings on this one) sale. I don't believe I've ever read Bennett, but the idea of a haunted, desolate motel with historical overtones sold me immediately upon its announcement...glad to finally have it.

    I ordered the Folio Society edition of TRUE GRIT a week or so ago, and it should be here in a few days, according to the tracking. Looking forward to's an American classic, some say THE American Classic, and I've never read it. I decided it was time to remedy that, and this is a gorgeous edition in which to do it. Here's a great video featuring the Folio edition:

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  • TacomaDiver
    I had the option to choose the blue, but mustard is what I had in my hand and I think it looks great. Like you, the blue looked better in the initial photos, plus I just love blue.

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  • Splync
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Stardust looks very nice. The speckling is cool and the marbling and orange/mustard looks very sharp. Congrats!
    In the pre-order photos, I greatly preferred the blue to the mustard. But having both in hand, the mustard really looks great in person.

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  • Ben Staad
    Stardust looks very nice. The speckling is cool and the marbling and orange/mustard looks very sharp. Congrats!

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  • Splync
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    I believe it was on Wednesday (time in 2020 is an illusion . . .) that my anniversary present from my wife arrived.

    When this book was announced, I gave serious thought to buying it, but ultimately passed because of the expense at the time was hard to justify, and I already have two other versions.

    To say I was surprised that she bought this for me as a present would be quite the understatement. I was almost speechless.



    This is the mustard edition of Stardust from Lyra's Books. I was given the option of choosing either the blue or mustard, but went with the mustard for a few reasons. I think it looks really cool. It's a beautiful production and one I'm proud to have and ecstatic that my wife tracked one down for me.
    Gift of the year right there! Congratulations!!

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