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Subterranean Press

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    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    I'm tempted with these dinged books and the prices are great for reader copies, but, on the other hand, I'm tempted to just pick up the un-dinged copies to ensure a "clean" copy for my collection. As usual, I'm sitting on the fence.

    In other Sub Press news, it looks like there's some sort of controversy around the third printing of Gardens of the Moon? I got the email stating that the order date has been pushed back due to customer feedback and also included some verbiage about sending further feedback to Bill to review. Anybody have any idea what this is about? Is it just due to an additional printing? If that's the case, I can understand because I'm not a big fan of these second and third printings of supposedly limited edition books. And I use the word "supposedly" because how limited is it if the publisher is just gonna crank out another 1000 or so copies? I'm a little more lenient if the publisher does another edition that is at least different aesthetically or adds some significant new material, for example Centipede's new edition of The Search of Joseph Tully has a different version of the previous edition's cloth binding and a dustjacket and the new edition of Falling Angel was only sold as part of the two-volume slipcase set that includes its sequel, Angel's Inferno. Anybody have any thoughts?
    This is giving me flashbacks to the old Shocklines message board, where I last weighed in on a publisher doing second printings...I ended up getting banned from buying that publisher's books, and Joe Hill told me to "drink a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up!".....Good times!

    I'm not 100% sure what the Gardens of the Moon issue is, but Bill is a good guy, and seems to be, as always, taking his customer's wishes into consideration.
    Last edited by dannyboy121070; 04-11-2024, 11:12 PM.


      Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
      I'm tempted with these dinged books and the prices are great for reader copies, but, on the other hand, I'm tempted to just pick up the un-dinged copies to ensure a "clean" copy for my collection. As usual, I'm sitting on the fence.

      In other Sub Press news, it looks like there's some sort of controversy around the third printing of Gardens of the Moon? I got the email stating that the order date has been pushed back due to customer feedback and also included some verbiage about sending further feedback to Bill to review. Anybody have any idea what this is about? Is it just due to an additional printing? If that's the case, I can understand because I'm not a big fan of these second and third printings of supposedly limited edition books. And I use the word "supposedly" because how limited is it if the publisher is just gonna crank out another 1000 or so copies? I'm a little more lenient if the publisher does another edition that is at least different aesthetically or adds some significant new material, for example Centipede's new edition of The Search of Joseph Tully has a different version of the previous edition's cloth binding and a dustjacket and the new edition of Falling Angel was only sold as part of the two-volume slipcase set that includes its sequel, Angel's Inferno. Anybody have any thoughts?
      For me, the Lansdale book was never a must have, especially since I already have one of the two novellas; so, I originally passed. There being a dinged price knocked me off of the fence for sure. I've also received many dinged books from SubPress, and in almost all instances, I could never find an issue, maybe the slightest of bump; so, I don't mind SubPress dinged books at all.

      In terms of Gardens of the Moon, I don't have any direct knowledge of the issue. My own feelings when I saw the original book announcement was, "Holy Crap, that's super expensive for a third printing, practically two Suntup AGEs". No way was I ever going to buy that book at that price. I'm sure a lot of other people felt the same way. Also, like others, with very few exceptions, I think it's complete garbage when multiple printings are done for a limited-edition book. At the very least, it better be an anniversary edition far into the future and should include something well beyond what was offered the first time around.

      Side note- SubPress also recently had a title from another publisher that they were selling as a pre-order and they decided to mark up the price due to what they believe they can get for them on the after-market. I'm trying to remember the exact title, I think it might be the "Dresden File" books being done by Grim Oak. I have no skin in the game as I don't collect that series, but it's the first time that I can ever recall seeing SubPress do that and it rubbed me the wrong way for sure. That being said, I'm still a big SubPress fan. Their service is top-notch and I purchase any books that catch my eye!
      Last edited by sholloman81; 04-11-2024, 10:47 PM.


        Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

        Hi Ron, They were actually a little further down in the email. Just checked and it's still available. Below are the links for the email for the dinged section...
        Thanks for the links, I'll give these a look. Very email from Sub Press today (I hope I'm assuming correctly that it was today's email you were referring to) ends with Sarah Langan's interview...there are no dinged books listed on mine.



          Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
          Side note- SubPress also recently had a title from another publisher that they were selling as a pre-order and they decided to mark up the price due to what they believe they can get for them on the after-market. I'm trying to remember the exact title, I think it might be the "Dresden File" books being done by Grim Oak. I have no skin in the game as I don't collect that series, but it's the first time that I can ever recall seeing SubPress do that and it rubbed me the wrong way for sure. That being said, I'm still a big SubPress fan. Their service is top-notch and I purchase any books that catch my eye!
          They've done something similar a few times in the past - finding additional copies of some editing, selling it at a marked up price, but then stating proceeds were for a charity. Seems like icky that way.


            Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

            Thanks for the links, I'll give these a look. Very email from Sub Press today (I hope I'm assuming correctly that it was today's email you were referring to) ends with Sarah Langan's interview...there are no dinged books listed on mine.
            It's actually not at the end of the email. It's in the second section right after the first that is offering a selection of books at a 20% discount. I didn't see the dinged books section either until I went looking for it after sholloman81's post.


              Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

              It's actually not at the end of the email. It's in the second section right after the first that is offering a selection of books at a 20% discount. I didn't see the dinged books section either until I went looking for it after sholloman81's post.
              Jesus. I read though it again and didn't see it...then read though it again (for what must be my fifth time, because I was sure my email was somehow different than everyone else was saying because that sale...just...wasn't...there) -- and then I see it. How I had such a blind spot for that area I have no idea. Thanks to all who kept redirecting me to it...I'm sorry I doubted you all!


                Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

                Jesus. I read though it again and didn't see it...then read though it again (for what must be my fifth time, because I was sure my email was somehow different than everyone else was saying because that sale...just...wasn't...there) -- and then I see it. How I had such a blind spot for that area I have no idea. Thanks to all who kept redirecting me to it...I'm sorry I doubted you all!
                I really don't think that it's just you. I didn't see it first time I went through. I think it's just the way that's it placed in the email--or the formatting or something--that makes it incredibly easy to skim over.


                  Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

                  I really don't think that it's just you. I didn't see it first time I went through. I think it's just the way that's it placed in the email--or the formatting or something--that makes it incredibly easy to skim over.
                  Yeah, it isn't just you. I missed it too, even after reading about it here. I think we just get so used to the way that the various promotional e-mails that we get are formatted that we just skim them automatically. Any disruption to the format just goes unnoticed.....


                    Just received my copy of Joe Lansdale's "The Events Concerning" purchased last week via the SubPress dinged newsletter offerings. Took four days to get here which is great for SubPress. Just unpacked the box, and I honestly have no idea how this book is considered dinged. I literally cannot find a single issue with it. The cover is perfect, the binding is tight, not seeing any bumps, and the signature page is there. I wouldn't have taken this one back from the other retailer if I was SubPress, but their loss is my gain!


                      Now, I do try to keep abreast of new presses/publishers, but there seems to be so many now that I find it hard to keep track of what's going on with every single one, which is probably how I did not see that Arete Editions is doing a letterpress edition of Campbell's Frozen Hell until Sub Press's email today (hence why it is in this thread). This looks to be a gorgeous edition, but it way out of my price range at $750. But if anyone is interested here's the links to the Sub Press site:



                        Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
                        Now, I do try to keep abreast of new presses/publishers, but there seems to be so many now that I find it hard to keep track of what's going on with every single one, which is probably how I did not see that Arete Editions is doing a letterpress edition of Campbell's Frozen Hell until Sub Press's email today (hence why it is in this thread). This looks to be a gorgeous edition, but it way out of my price range at $750. But if anyone is interested here's the links to the Sub Press site:

                        I was excited to see that e-mail, until I caught the price. I'll pass, sadly.


                          Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post

                          I was excited to see that e-mail, until I caught the price. I'll pass, sadly.
                          Yeah, I had the same reaction. I was pumped up, then saw the price and was quickly deflated. The book is rather slim at only 166 pages. At $750, that's over $4.50 per page. These prices are getting crazier and crazier.
                          Last edited by Sock Monkey; 06-27-2024, 08:48 PM.


                            Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
                            Now, I do try to keep abreast of new presses/publishers, but there seems to be so many now that I find it hard to keep track of what's going on with every single one, which is probably how I did not see that Arete Editions is doing a letterpress edition of Campbell's Frozen Hell until Sub Press's email today (hence why it is in this thread). This looks to be a gorgeous edition, but it way out of my price range at $750. But if anyone is interested here's the links to the Sub Press site:

                            Holy crap! I saw the SubPress email earlier today but didn't notice the price. Very nice-looking book but I could never justify it at that price. Very happy to stick with my Wildside LE hardcover version that I already own!


                              Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

                              Yeah, I had the same reaction. I was pumped up, then saw the price and was quickly deflated. The book is rather slim at only 166 pages. At $750, that's over $4.50 per page. These prices are getting crazier and crazier.
                              I already have the digital version of FROZEN HELL, as well as the collection of THING-adjacent short stories, so I'll have to finally read them, lol.

                              Just as an aside, and this drives me CRAZY about small-press books that have interior art: If I'm buying a limited-edition of a Horror novel, or a monster book, I want art that really digs into the big scenes, shows the action/horror/monster. I was looking at the Folio Society edition of JAWS, and the art bored me stiff. I have a limited of THE EXORCIST, and while the art was nice enough that I bought one of the originals, it was not what I wanted from the greatest horror novel of all time. I don't want group shots of The Thing's potential victims, I don't want them depicted traveling across the ice, I want THE THING. All THING, all the time, THING all day and all night, THING, THING, THING.

                              I suspect the thought of most publishers is that it would seem crass to have art that actually reflected the HORROR of a horror novel.


                                Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
                                Now, I do try to keep abreast of new presses/publishers, but there seems to be so many now that I find it hard to keep track of what's going on with every single one, which is probably how I did not see that Arete Editions is doing a letterpress edition of Campbell's Frozen Hell until Sub Press's email today (hence why it is in this thread). This looks to be a gorgeous edition, but it way out of my price range at $750. But if anyone is interested here's the links to the Sub Press site:

                                I preordered this directly from Arete last year, and just received it the other day. Yeah, the price was really tough on it and I almost backed out. Glad now that I didn't. It's easily among a handful or so of the nicest books in my collection. I pulled the trigger because another one of those books in my collection was Arete's previous book, Neil Gaiman's A Case of Death & Honey, and that book is exquisite. I am a huge fan of Marcelo Anciano's book design (not to mention Rich Tong's book-making), and I wasn't going to miss this dead-classic Horror/SF/Weird story in this profound edition. Would I have appreciated a price closer to $500? Of course. But, I've certainly paid as much for some of the early Suntup numbered editions that I bought, and- I've since sold all of those. This one I can't see myself ever letting go of. And, yeah- book prices are just getting out of hand. I will only go that extra rare stretch for something that I know I'm going to keep. It's really one of the nicest books I've ever held. It's also (though hard to tell from most online pics) fairly massive. Bound in the most supple goat skin leather, and a gorgeous, lined, well-built slipcase.
                                Last edited by swintek; 06-28-2024, 01:14 AM.

