Passing. Love this book and Love Ray Bradbury but not for this price.
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Centipede will be releasing.....
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post
This would be the one edition to rule them all, I'm sure. I regretted passing on this one more than I regretted passing on Hill House. I'm actually really finding myself anxious for Live Girls.
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostI own the 1962 Simon and Schuster 1st edition, the 1963 Rupert Hart-Davis edition, the Gauntlet edition, the PS edition, the Folio edition, so do I really need the Centipede Press edition...You're damn right I do LOL!! Like Ron, this is a record for me, I have laid out $500 for a book and yes, it was also a Bradbury title, The Arkham edition of Dark Carnival.Twitter:
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
$500 was my old record as well, for a signed 1st HC of a Charles Beaumont 1st HC collection, which even at the time I knew it was a real steal. Unlike some, I could never do four figures… maybe someday for the signed/numbered ed. of Stephen King’s THE STAND, in its coffin traycase, which typically retails for about $2500. But even that very desirable item would be a stretch of fiscal sensibility (read: I’m typically kinda conservative/cheap) that I just don’t know I could make.
As it was on the pricey side to begin with, bump in pricing from anticipated to actual gave me pause. But ultimately the Zimakov engravings won me over here. This is the first book I've bought from Centipede - though there are a few out of print titles I'd like to add to my library. Will be interesting to see what their 'Dune' brings to the table - I actually quite liked what FS did with 'Dune' and only wish they'd been able to add even more Sam Weber illustrations.
Originally posted by Martin View PostI no longer have a pre-set limit and judge each book on some random thought process.Twitter:
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
You clearly have reached a higher state of collector consciousness, my son. May randomness serve you well and bring you peace and shelves that hum with a harmonious balance of quality and quantity.
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
$500 was my old record as well, for a signed 1st HC of a Charles Beaumont 1st HC collection, which even at the time I knew it was a real steal. Unlike some, I could never do four figures… maybe someday for the signed/numbered ed. of Stephen King’s THE STAND, in its coffin traycase, which typically retails for about $2500. But even that very desirable item would be a stretch of fiscal sensibility (read: I’m typically kinda conservative/cheap) that I just don’t know I could make.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by Dave1442397 View Post
I did. I went for this over the latest Suntup book, which didn't interest me enough to purchase. I'm also going to buy Dune, and that's all I have on my want list at the moment.
Originally posted by Martin View Post
Dune will be an easy pass for me. Tried to read it in high school and found I did not like it. Also watched the movie at some point and that reinforced my views.
I don’t want to speak for Jared, but based on my conversations with him last week, those interested in buying DUNE should be aware that it requires a commitment of buying the entire DUNE series (unless it doesn’t sell out in the advance pre-order, which I think is highly unlikely), which Centipede will be publishing at $500+ per volume. Not sure if everybody was aware of that or not...I wasn’t, so had to decline my spot on the advance notification list for DUNE.Last edited by RonClinton; 09-23-2020, 05:08 PM.Twitter:
Originally posted by slayn666 View PostFor further clarification, it's a commitment to buy the six books written by Frank Herbert and none of the dreck his son has excreted into the world.Twitter: