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Production Update Questions

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  • fanatic
    Originally posted by fanatic View Post
    Not quite sure where to post this question. Do you have any idea when King of Shadow will ship from CD?

    Hate to ask but is there any update?

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  • DanFranklin
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Hi Dan, Any new updates on the Billy Summers slipcase yet? If not, no worries!
    No proper updates! It has quite a line in front of it before it sees the light of day, sadly

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by DanFranklin View Post

    The rest just arrived! I know there are a handful of slipcases to go out and sig sheet grab bags and whatnot, but I expect they'll be out within a week! If you've not heard anything by then, let me know and I'll start printing up orders and shipping them out when I get free moments
    Hi Dan, Any new updates on the Billy Summers slipcase yet? If not, no worries!

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  • IMoveCar
    Originally posted by DanFranklin View Post

    I will ask around if anyone else has a good estimation on time frame, but from what I can see we hit a pretty good stretch of Bentley Little books as every other or every third GYE for the next while, so they should be coming out 1-2 a year. I apologize for that enormous delay. Of the first 8 GYEs, only one is Little, but I believe they should all be done well before 30. 1 in 10 years is pretty alarmingly glacial, however and I understand the cause for concern. Please feel free to contact me here or via email for any updates on the GYE/Little stuff and I'll do whatever I can to keep you in the loop! (I'm not sure how much information regarding the GYE order I'm supposed to divulge)
    Okay thanks for the reply! I have all the GYE books so far and love the design. I'll keep an eye out for any news on the future releases, including any Bentley Little ones. At this point I'll definitely collect them all, especially given when the Bentley Little ones finally ship I'll have already paid for them!

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by saginawhorror View Post

    Safely arrived today. I got #61
    Mine just arrived today! #89

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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    That made me remember something my Mom said to me once and laugh. Probably over 25 years ago my Mom came to me and said she spoke for me when she probably should not have. I cousin, whom I was childhood friends with when I lived in Southern California had moved up here and lived about 25 miles from me. She lives in the Columbia gorge and my Mom would sometimes ask me to drive her up to visit them. I guess she was in Portland for something and visited my Mom. My Mom was nearing 80 and getting frail. My Cousin asked her who would pull together the family when my Mom passed and specifically asked if it would be me. My Mom, who like me had a general rule of 'If you don't want the answer to a question, don't ask' told her without hesitation 'No, you will probably never hear from him again when I pass.' The cousin looked shocked at the response and my Mom thought 'should I have not said that'. I informed my Mom that if the Cousin was relying on me to pull together family gatherings what my Mom said was accurate and not to worry about it. A few years later my Mom passed. The cousin was at my house for the celebration of life I had for Mom and we have not spoken since.

    Your statement reminded me of my Mom and put a smile on my face. Thank You!
    Love that story. Truth is uncompromising.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post

    But Moms know everything LOL!
    That made me remember something my Mom said to me once and laugh. Probably over 25 years ago my Mom came to me and said she spoke for me when she probably should not have. I cousin, whom I was childhood friends with when I lived in Southern California had moved up here and lived about 25 miles from me. She lives in the Columbia gorge and my Mom would sometimes ask me to drive her up to visit them. I guess she was in Portland for something and visited my Mom. My Mom was nearing 80 and getting frail. My Cousin asked her who would pull together the family when my Mom passed and specifically asked if it would be me. My Mom, who like me had a general rule of 'If you don't want the answer to a question, don't ask' told her without hesitation 'No, you will probably never hear from him again when I pass.' The cousin looked shocked at the response and my Mom thought 'should I have not said that'. I informed my Mom that if the Cousin was relying on me to pull together family gatherings what my Mom said was accurate and not to worry about it. A few years later my Mom passed. The cousin was at my house for the celebration of life I had for Mom and we have not spoken since.

    Your statement reminded me of my Mom and put a smile on my face. Thank You!

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  • Marmaduke Grigsby
    Originally posted by goathunter View Post

    Yes. They are.
    They are utterly ridiculous. I only own one and it was forced on me.

    ALICE FUNKO 2.jpg

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post

    I am very hard to tolerate. I just moved 10 hours away from the city I called home for 50 years and all my mother said was "Keep in touch." So I wouldn't even say I'm an acquired taste. But even I know Funkos are shelf pollution.
    But Moms know everything LOL!

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  • goathunter
    Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post
    But even I know Funkos are shelf pollution.
    Yes. They are.

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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Jeff, I suspect you are probably a bit of a pain in the ass, but who isn't LOL! I enjoyed your 2022 bookshelf tour. I share your feelings about funkos.
    I am very hard to tolerate. I just moved 10 hours away from the city I called home for 50 years and all my mother said was "Keep in touch." So I wouldn't even say I'm an acquired taste. But even I know Funkos are shelf pollution.

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  • mhatchett
    Jeff, I suspect you are probably a bit of a pain in the ass, but who isn't LOL! I enjoyed your 2022 bookshelf tour. I share your feelings about funkos.

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  • saginawhorror
    Originally posted by saginawhorror View Post

    Still no shipping notice at least for me.
    Safely arrived today. I got #61

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  • Dannyb
    Originally posted by DanFranklin View Post

    That's a thing that bothered me for a while, so asked around--apparently the printer we use for certain projects (particularly the really cool ones) has minimum numbers that they will allow for printing. We can print the artist and lettered together, but if we print them separately the printers will not then run the lettereds when we have the sig sheets completed, as that second run is too small for their press when it doesn't piggyback the artist/limited edition. It does lead to issues as in this case, and from what I understand it(along with traycase delays) is a large part why we've been hesitant to pursue lettered editions except in extremely high profile collectors editions.
    Really appreciate you looking into this. Especially appreciate the reasonable response for this delay. As a business, it makes sense to do them at the same time. These sort of behind the scenes things make waiting easier for sure.
    Now lets gets to hoping Mr. King picks up that pen. He's been signing enough over the years, time for some love for Cemetery Dance.
    Thank you for all you do

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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by bookworm 1 View Post

    What part of not certain do you not get? Most likely it is. Frankly while I understand everyone’s frustration with how long it’s been taking for books to get done I don’t understand why people just don’t ask for a refund and stop complaining. This is one of the reasons I have been avoiding the forum for a while. That and the Jeff word slam Cemetery Dance YouTube channel. Just walk away and let those who are patiently waiting and understand that things have not been on track wait for the books. Yes the gods of Suntup have been getting things out but they also are using materials that not a lot of other publishers are. I have been seeing that there are delays from other publishers more and more the last few months. I’m just really sick of all the negativity everywhere. Rant over!!
    I'm sorry these comments and "bashings" have gotten to you. I am. There are just some things that have been so jaw-droppingly tone-deaf--so totally indefensible--that I couldn't help it. Most of my explosive rants are theatrics--even if they're supplied by embers of frustration. But last night I spent some time applauding the letter on the production update page. It's EXACTLY what I've been dying to get all these years. I don't think making excuses or ignoring bad business practices benefit anyone. Not the fine people who work at CD and not the customers who have supported them all these years. Including me. I still have preorders and I still have faith I will get them. I like the direction CD is heading with Kevin and Dan engaged and I really do hope '23 will be a very successful year for everyone. I'd also add that I don't come here to talk trash about CD, that would be disrespectful--this is their Forum and they have been good hosts to all of us. I keep my fuming to my channel. And I'd hate to think that you won't join in the conversation, because I respect all opinions. I'd be happy to have a discussion. Regardless, my channel is easy to avoid--the number of views I get indicate as much.

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