My story "Vision Quest" is in the debut issue of SURREAL GROTESQUE. It looks great, tons of excellent artwork, and stories by Bradley Sands, Grigori Black, Dakota Taylor, and many other authors.
My new Storyville column is up. I dissect one of my stories, the Pushcart nominated "Twenty Reasons to Stay and One to Leave," to show my thought process and the struggles I go through when writing a story. Hope you enjoy it.
Yet another amazing story and article from you. Thanks for sharing that. It was a fantastic foray into the mind of my friend Richard Thomas. Well done.
thanks, randy. i try to mix it up with the columns, a blend of craft, process, and publishing. i never know if people give a crap, this kind of article feels a bit self-indulgent, but it's the only way i know to talk about process, my own work. i don't have much insight into other people's work, only guesses and critical analysis which i always find a little dry. glad you enjoyed it, and hope it helps!
A fantastic review of my long short story, "Victimized" by Lou Pendergrast. FIVE STARS and some really kind words. And I'm in excellent company at his website, alongside work by Kyle Minor, Alan Heathcock, Flannery O'Connor, Chuck Wendig and many others.
Greetings, all. Sorry I haven't been around much as of late, but I've been very busy. I have a lot going on and something had to give, so I'm forcing myself to play around a lot less and focus more on the tasks at hand. I'll drop by here and there, but until I get caught up you might not see me around as much. I'm trying to stay active on Facebook and the HWA, but the best way to get ahold of me if you need to is by email.
Glad to see everyone is doing well and making progress. I'm in deep with edits on the third book of my series. This one will be titled Reckoning and I hope to reveal the cover art as soon as I feel close to finishing edits. I've also just released the 3rd and 4th volumes of my These Old Tales project, as well as put out a complete collection of all 4 volumes in print and Kindle. I should have it up on other venues soon. I may start a new one of these soon as I've been writing more daily than ever before.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and say hello, so you all know I haven't forgotten anyone. Hope the best for everyone on their recent dealings and a harry gratz to those with recent sales and such. Take care.
Friends, it is with great joy that I can announce that I have sold my first novelette, that love story I was working on a few months back, tentatively called, The Legend of Miss Viola. I just got the contracts last night and I am over the moon! Thank you all for believing in me and its great to have such a fantastic support group of writers keeping me focused and pushing me forward with this dream of mine. I'm savoring this moment like a mouthful of smooth whiskey down a parched throat or like finding out that the woman you're about to seduce for the first time loves to dress up in lace garters and stockings and stillettos.Oh happy days, happy days.