Appreciate that, Siep!
And Kubrik is my favorite director, so it was hard for me to admit too (I was thinking about the scene where Kirk Douglas was walking through the frontline trenches in Paths of Glory when i wrote that. Rope is the Hitch fiml I'm thinking of, where it appears to be a film shot in a single take, but is actually 10 shots--the breaks occur when somehting dark crosses the screen; the camera used only held 10 minutes worth of film, so it was impossible to shoot a feature length film in one take.)

And Kubrik is my favorite director, so it was hard for me to admit too (I was thinking about the scene where Kirk Douglas was walking through the frontline trenches in Paths of Glory when i wrote that. Rope is the Hitch fiml I'm thinking of, where it appears to be a film shot in a single take, but is actually 10 shots--the breaks occur when somehting dark crosses the screen; the camera used only held 10 minutes worth of film, so it was impossible to shoot a feature length film in one take.)