Finished The Prague Cemetery. I'd say that I didn't know what to expect with this book, but I never know what to expect from one of Eco's historical fantasies--other than a lesson in European history. Quite shocking and understandably controversial, but one of his most enjoyable (it's presented as a diary written by a man whose personality has split into two distinct personages with a Narrator trying to make sense of the whole mess--a Freudian experiment posthumously refereed by a junk dealer.) Now, onto Pure by Julianna Baggott.
Just finished A Gathering of Crows by Brian Keene. Took a little to get into it but then moves along at a fast pace and ended up really enjoying it. Have now tracked down the next of Keene's stories about Levi Stoltzfus. Last night started Gideon's Sword which was a bit of a blind buy given I had never read anything previously by these authors. Got well and truly hooked into the story and am glad I have ordered the follow up.
I think King is pretty good, but not the best horror writer, and I mean around nowadays, certainly not of all time (Poe and Lovecraft would be the two greatest especially Poe IMO).
I adore Lovecraft, like Poe.
But how many books by King have you actually read, Scott? (not trying to be a smart-aleck, mind you..just curious as you always say you have a hard time finishing most (horror??)novels...)
I adore Lovecraft, like Poe.
But how many books by King have you actually read, Scott? (not trying to be a smart-aleck, mind you..just curious as you always say you have a hard time finishing most (horror??)novels...)
Yeah, welcome back frik. I was wondering what happened to ya.
But I've read all of King's books except The DT series and The Tommyknockers...I could not get into several like Desperation and Gerald's Game. And it's true I do have a very hard time finishing horror novels but your question just made me realize it's by all horror authors actually, but I've been kinda picking on King (as you know). It's much easier for me to get into horror stories from the past for some reason, just as it is to finish non-horror novels, maybe because they're more realistic. That has to be it...they are more realistic. Hell I even have a hard time trying to get into horror novels I actually like LOL. But with Poe and Lovecraft, it's just different for some reason. I don't really care for any contemporary genre unless it's factual.
I just finished The Fountainhead and decided to read Anthem, also by Ayn Rand and Terry was the one who told me about her books. Fascinating!! I had heard of her but never bothered reading anything by her. After Anthem comes finally either Mailer's Oswald or another Rand book, especially We The Living.....
i've read all of King's books. i obviously loved some more than others (The Stand, It, The Long Walk, Dead Zone, Dark Tower, etc.) but i don't think there was even one that i'd say SUCKED.
i've read all of King's books. i obviously loved some more than others (The Stand, It, The Long Walk, Dead Zone, Dark Tower, etc.) but i don't think there was even one that i'd say SUCKED.
Really? Hell every author on earth has written something crappy, even Poe wrote stories I didn't really care for. Sometimes I'm more in the mood for Lovecraft than I am King or Poe and vice versa. But still one of my favorite novels of all time is Tobbaco Road. I really liked Of Mice and Men too even though I've seen so many different versions of the film. And Melville too.
Really? Hell every author on earth has written something crappy, even Poe wrote stories I didn't really care for. Sometimes I'm more in the mood for Lovecraft than I am King or Poe and vice versa. But still one of my favorite novels of all time is Tobbaco Road. I really liked Of Mice and Men too even though I've seen so many different versions of the film. And Melville too.
i'm not saying everything was a home run. but i've not read anything that i felt was a waste of time.
I don't think I've ever read anything that I felt was a waste of time, no matter who it was by. I'm not entirely sure I would even start to read something if I wasn't even moderately sure I would enjoy it. But then again I also wouldn't ever buy I book that I wouldn't actually read.
I don't think I've ever read anything that I felt was a waste of time, no matter who it was by. I'm not entirely sure I would even start to read something if I wasn't even moderately sure I would enjoy it. But then again I also wouldn't ever buy I book that I wouldn't actually read.
Well, every book I buy is one I think about reading, but perhaps I just don't get around to it. Now I critique a lot of SK books pretty harshly, but I can't think of one that I thought was so horrible that I wish I hadn't taken the time to read it. A lot of times when I'm reading a book, I get a feeling that something's wrong, but I can't put a finger on it. Eventually, I will, so I just keep plugging away at the book until I do. When I figure it out, it's usually a relief (soemthing that won't eat at me anymore). I had that feeling with Pure by Julianna Bagott, but i've figured it out and am enjoying it for what it is, not crying about what it isn't.
Agree also.From time to time I just pick up something I have not read by someone I have not read before 9 out of 10 times I find out I was missing out on a great
writer. Right now I am reading survivor by J.F. Gonzalez. I have only read his colabrative stuff.I was missing out on something.This is the most intense book that I
have read.When I am, done I will be reading Just like hell by Nate southard. Another author I have heard a lot about and mybe read a short story of his and nothing more.To me reading is not a waste of time at all.