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  • brlesh
    Finally finished up Dune the other day, and have to say it was another sci-fi classic I found to be overall disappointing.

    I thought the first part (250 pages) was great. If you saw the recent movie, it pretty much followed the first part of the book. The story was well paced, there were multiple character POV’s, political intrigue, blackmail and betrayal.

    Part 2 (the next 200 pages) was were the story went off the rails for me. This was were Paul and Jessica escape from the attack into the desert and are taken in by the Fremen. The pacing slowed to a crawl as most of this part was told from Paul’s POV and adjusting to life in the desert and coming to realize you maybe the most powerful person in the universe. This part was definitely a novel from the 60’s - a lot of mysticism, mind altering substances & group consciousness. It felt like this part could have been written by Timothy Leary or Carlos Castenados.

    Part 3 (the last 150 pages) was better, as the pacing picked back up (though not to the level of Part 1) as some of the characters from Part 1 are revisited and some new characters are introduced. However, I just found the last 50 pages to be rushed and rather anticlimactic. Plus, the most interesting new character just seemed to disappear at the end.

    Overall, I found Paul’s story arc to be interesting (from a scared kid meeting the Reverend Mother in the beginning to essentially usurping the emperor at the end). But the slow pacing and very anticlimactic ending certainly dragged the story down for me.

    I am still looking forward to see what they do with the second movie, as I did like the first.


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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Only about a quarter of the way in Gothic, but so far, so good! I do have a trade hardcover of Boys in the Valley in my TBR pile, but I keep grabbing other books from the pile instead. I think the petty collector in me is still mad at myself for passing on the Earthling edition before it sold out and became a smash book for collectors. I'm sure I'll get around to it at some point soon...
    I've done that with so many books. They just sort of bob near the top of the pile forever. More often than no I regret waiting on those. But there are just sooooo many books!

    And yeah the Earthling Fracassi's are expensive on the secondary. I'd stay tuned in case there's another one . . .

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post

    Gothic was a lot of fun. If you like it, then read Boys in the Valley for something that hits the heartstrings. There's really no bad Fracassi. I've loved everything.
    Only about a quarter of the way in Gothic, but so far, so good! I do have a trade hardcover of Boys in the Valley in my TBR pile, but I keep grabbing other books from the pile instead. I think the petty collector in me is still mad at myself for passing on the Earthling edition before it sold out and became a smash book for collectors. I'm sure I'll get around to it at some point soon...

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  • jeffingoff
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just finished reading the Centipede LE of Shelley Katz's "Alligator", a first-time author & read for me. Wasn't sure what to expect going into this one and ended up enjoying it way more than I had hoped. The characterization was top-notch. Also loved the atmosphere and setting, felt like you were right there in the swamps with them. If I had one (small) complaint, it would be that I was hoping for more Alligator action, but that being said, when the gator does show up, it's loads of fun. Really, this book isn't about the gator at all but about the main characters journey to understanding his need to catch it. The reviews compare this one to Jaws, and I can see why, but I was reminded much more of Moby Dick. Also loved the production by Centipede. Pretty much everything works. The cover art is very cool, as are the interior illustrations. The forward by the author is also very illuminating. Overall, I'm very happy to finally have read this book, and even more happy to have it in such a sweet edition.

    Am now reading the Earthling LE of Philip Fracassi's "Gothic", a first time read. I have high hopes for this one as I adore Fracassi's collections, but this will be his first novel length work for me.
    Gothic was a lot of fun. If you like it, then read Boys in the Valley for something that hits the heartstrings. There's really no bad Fracassi. I've loved everything.

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished reading the Centipede LE of Shelley Katz's "Alligator", a first-time author & read for me. Wasn't sure what to expect going into this one and ended up enjoying it way more than I had hoped. The characterization was top-notch. Also loved the atmosphere and setting, felt like you were right there in the swamps with them. If I had one (small) complaint, it would be that I was hoping for more Alligator action, but that being said, when the gator does show up, it's loads of fun. Really, this book isn't about the gator at all but about the main characters journey to understanding his need to catch it. The reviews compare this one to Jaws, and I can see why, but I was reminded much more of Moby Dick. Also loved the production by Centipede. Pretty much everything works. The cover art is very cool, as are the interior illustrations. The forward by the author is also very illuminating. Overall, I'm very happy to finally have read this book, and even more happy to have it in such a sweet edition.

    Am now reading the Earthling LE of Philip Fracassi's "Gothic", a first time read. I have high hopes for this one as I adore Fracassi's collections, but this will be his first novel length work for me.

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  • Ben Staad
    No problem. I can already tell it's not going to be one of my favorites but it's not looking like a DNF.

    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Hope you post a review at the end. That book has been on my radar for a while as it has gotten tons of praise from authors and reviewers that I respect. That being said, it also seems like I keep finding reasons to pass on it for something else. Not sure why. The only other book that I've read by Kraus was the Romero collab "The Living Dead" which I did enjoy.

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  • fanatic
    I agree with Ron. I don't think you can go wrong with anything he writes.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    I'm a huge Peter Heller fan as well, and have read them all. THE DOG STARS remains my favorite and I was thrilled that Lividian did a limited of it as it was immensely deserving of the honor. But he has several others that are tremendous as well; the only one I didn't really care for was CELINE, but it's very atypical of his work and themes, so that's not surprising, perhaps. In order of my preference, I'd recommend:

    3). THE RIVER
    5). THE GUIDE (a sequel of sorts to THE RIVER)
    6). CELINE
    Thanks! That gives me a great place to start. Now I'll have to look these ones up and choose!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Do you have one that you especially enjoyed? Wouldn't mind reading more Heller, but he has so many and I'm not sure where the gold might be among them. Amazingly, Dog Stars was only 3 & 1/2 stars on Goodreads; so, I'm not sure that I trust their reviewers when it comes to his other books!
    I'm a huge Peter Heller fan as well, and have read them all. THE DOG STARS remains my favorite and I was thrilled that Lividian did a limited of it as it was immensely deserving of the honor. But he has several others that are tremendous as well; the only one I didn't really care for was CELINE, but it's very atypical of his work and themes, so that's not surprising, perhaps. In order of my preference, I'd recommend:

    3). THE RIVER
    5). THE GUIDE (a sequel of sorts to THE RIVER)
    6). CELINE

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    I'm currently reading Whalefall by Daniel Krause. I'm about halfway through it and enjoying it so far. It has an odd style where it jumps between present and past however the author has kept each chapter/section very short in order to keep the story moving forward. I'm not in love with this aspect however it's not the worst format I've read.
    I read it and generally enjoyed it, but I'm not on the bandwagon that has praised this one as being extraordinarily special. I thought it was...fine and interesting, but like you had some issues in the way it was presented.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by fanatic View Post

    Glad you loved The Dog Stars, I agree with you. I think his other books (not appocoliptic) are great also. I love his style of writing.
    Do you have one that you especially enjoyed? Wouldn't mind reading more Heller, but he has so many and I'm not sure where the gold might be among them. Amazingly, Dog Stars was only 3 & 1/2 stars on Goodreads; so, I'm not sure that I trust their reviewers when it comes to his other books!

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    I'm currently reading Whalefall by Daniel Krause. I'm about halfway through it and enjoying it so far. It has an odd style where it jumps between present and past however the author has kept each chapter/section very short in order to keep the story moving forward. I'm not in love with this aspect however it's not the worst format I've read.
    Hope you post a review at the end. That book has been on my radar for a while as it has gotten tons of praise from authors and reviewers that I respect. That being said, it also seems like I keep finding reasons to pass on it for something else. Not sure why. The only other book that I've read by Kraus was the Romero collab "The Living Dead" which I did enjoy.

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  • Ben Staad
    I'm currently reading Whalefall by Daniel Krause. I'm about halfway through it and enjoying it so far. It has an odd style where it jumps between present and past however the author has kept each chapter/section very short in order to keep the story moving forward. I'm not in love with this aspect however it's not the worst format I've read.

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  • fanatic
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just finished reading the Lividian LE of Peter Heller's "The Dog Stars", a first-time author & read for me. Man did I love this book! I've got a soft spot for end of the world/apocalypse stories, and this one shot straight up my list of all-time favorites. The characters felt so real, whether it be their actions or dialogue. Also loved the philosophy that was mixed in as well. And I adored the ending! Would love to know what happens next but in a way, I hope the author never does a sequel. Overall, this is a five-star book for me, and I'm sure that this story will stick with me for quite a while!

    Am now reading the Centipede LE of Shelley Katz's "Alligator", a first-time author & read for me.
    Glad you loved The Dog Stars, I agree with you.  I think his other books (not appocoliptic) are great also.  I love his style of writing.

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  • sholloman81
    Just finished reading the Lividian LE of Peter Heller's "The Dog Stars", a first-time author & read for me. Man did I love this book! I've got a soft spot for end of the world/apocalypse stories, and this one shot straight up my list of all-time favorites. The characters felt so real, whether it be their actions or dialogue. Also loved the philosophy that was mixed in as well. And I adored the ending! Would love to know what happens next but in a way, I hope the author never does a sequel. Overall, this is a five-star book for me, and I'm sure that this story will stick with me for quite a while!

    Am now reading the Centipede LE of Shelley Katz's "Alligator", a first-time author & read for me.

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