I applaud Paul for developing and fostering a devoted and enthusiastic collector's market for his product, and wish him all the best on this one. It's not one I'll be picking up, but I understand the passion of those who choose to do so.
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Yep. The cool thing is that for people that can afford this they will have a great item. For me, just a regular schlub, it feels (to be honest) like a smack in the face to regular folks.
Of course I have always had an issue with Suntup, and their price point, so I think I am a bit jaded.
Originally posted by bsaenz24 View PostThat's a LOT of money for a single short story.Looking for the fonting of youth.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Had this been a story or author of significant importance to me I would not have had an issue with the price. The books I have purchased from Suntup have all been worth the price I paid. Congratulations to those who are purchasing this book. I have no doubt it will be a beautiful production. It is just not for me.
Originally posted by bsaenz24 View PostThat's a LOT of money for a single short story.
Personally, I justify my purchase by my absolute love of the story. I was an English major and this was one of the two stories (the other being The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin) that absolutely stuck with me. To me, it isn't really about the page count. I just think that it'd be really cool to own a beautiful edition of this story.
But I fully understand any reluctance that people may have toward this release.
Originally posted by Splync View PostIt IS a lot of money for a single story, and this is easily the most money I've ever spent on a per page ratio.
Personally, I justify my purchase by my absolute love of the story. I was an English major and this was one of the two stories (the other being The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin) that absolutely stuck with me. To me, it isn't really about the page count. I just think that it'd be really cool to own a beautiful edition of this story.
But I fully understand any reluctance that people may have toward this release.
Originally posted by Dave1442397 View PostWell, we're still in pre-sale status, and there are two unsold copies of the Lettered Edition and fifty-one of the Numbered Edition left.
I think that even if I decide not to keep this one, it won't be a problem to sell it at a good price, so it's not much of a risk.
I remember reading The Lottery in school (8th grade maybe) and enjoying it. Full disclosure - that was a long ass time ago.
The only other thing I’ve read is Hill House and was horribly disappointed in that.
All this talk about this story does make me want to read it again. And as we all know - it’s a super short story so it won’t take too long.
Originally posted by TacomaDiver View PostI remember reading The Lottery in school (8th grade maybe) and enjoying it. Full disclosure - that was a long ass time ago.
The only other thing I’ve read is Hill House and was horribly disappointed in that.
All this talk about this story does make me want to read it again. And as we all know - it’s a super short story so it won’t take too long.