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Suntup Editions - All Books

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Ha! The collectors mind works in mysterious ways my friend. It's a fantastic looking book so I'm sure you will be pleased to own it.

    If there’s any place where I know my rationale will be understood, it’s here.

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  • joejets
    Last call for Omen, 17 left

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  • sholloman81
    Grabbed a copy as well. While this one was a pure impulse buy, I have loved all of my Suntup AGEs so far and know I would regret passing on this one later. Also really love the art and the movie is a classic.

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  • Ben Staad
    Ha! The collectors mind works in mysterious ways my friend. It's a fantastic looking book so I'm sure you will be pleased to own it.

    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    I went for a copy. It’s a horror classic that I’ve never read, and this will be a lovely package in which to do it. Funny how the collecting minds works…I’ve passed up the mmpb with little interest many, many times in used bookstores, priced at just a couple bucks, over the years, yet I leap at the the same book when it’s a Suntup production at $150. Go figure.

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  • Ben Staad
    Sorry. Those are above my means and therefore I exclude them from my thoughts. I was referring to the artist edition.

    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post

    States that he signed the numbered and lettered.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    I went for a copy. It’s a horror classic that I’ve never read, and this will be a lovely package in which to do it. Funny how the collecting minds works…I’ve passed up the mmpb with little interest many, many times in used bookstores, priced at just a couple bucks, over the years, yet I leap at the the same book when it’s a Suntup production at $150. Go figure.
    I've done that more than I'd like to admit. I don't know why that is, though.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Only 76 copies left of the artist edition so there's some demand for it. Even at the reduced print run of 750, it's pretty impressive to sell so many so fast. I am a bit surprised, though. While a big seller in it's day, this is a novelization of the author's own script and, from my understanding, there aren't that many differences between the two. I'm a big fan of the movie and the signature in the limited and lettered editions of the author is tempting, I just can't warrant the purchase price. Maybe if this was a $60 purchase instead of a $155 and up, I'd be on board. I do like the mock-ups of the AE and Lettered editions.

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  • RonClinton
    I went for a copy. It’s a horror classic that I’ve never read, and this will be a lovely package in which to do it. Funny how the collecting minds works…I’ve passed up the mmpb with little interest many, many times in used bookstores, priced at just a couple bucks, over the years, yet I leap at the the same book when it’s a Suntup production at $150. Go figure.

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Yep. I actually do love the artwork but for a book, which I've never read, but just can't get past the price and no signature from a living author.

    Plus as I stated somewhere else in this thread the cancellation policy is a put off for me.

    States that he signed the numbered and lettered.

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  • Ben Staad
    Yep. I actually do love the artwork but for a book, which I've never read, but just can't get past the price and no signature from a living author.

    Plus as I stated somewhere else in this thread the cancellation policy is a put off for me.

    Originally posted by bookworm 1 View Post
    This was easier to pass then a kidney stone. Price point is continuing to go up.

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  • bookworm 1
    This was easier to pass then a kidney stone. Price point is continuing to go up.

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  • Ben Staad
    The Omen.

    It's a lovely looking book. Everyone interested should be pleased with this one. At first glance I greatly appreciate the artwork.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Any guesses for tomorrow's announcements? This one has me stumped. My original guess was The Omen, but, I just can't believe that would be the book.
    It definitely sounds like The Omen so far.

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  • sholloman81
    Any guesses for tomorrow's announcements? This one has me stumped. My original guess was The Omen, but, I just can't believe that would be the book.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Received my AGE of Jaws over the weekend. Holy Crap! The production of this book is amazing. This might be my favorite AGE that Suntup has produced so far. Everything about this one works for me. So glad that I opted to pick-up this book even though I haven't previously read it.
    Yes, beautiful production! I just got my copy today. The blue packing foam and the shark fin on the wrapping tape were great touches.

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