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Weird House Press

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    I think they do very small print runs and their site doesn't reflect this well. I certainly could be wrong though.

    Joe Morey mentioned they have multiple HC limiteds coming out next year that he is excited about.

    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    I’m toying with the idea of buying the Christmas grab bag, but am confused by the mention of three S/L HCs when it appears from the site that they’ve only published one such volume, DEVIL’s NIGHT, with the rest tpbs…? Maybe I’m missing something.
    Looking for the fonting of youth.


      Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
      I think they do very small HC print runs and their site doesn't reflect this well. I certainly could be wrong though.

      Joe Morey mentioned they have multiple HC limiteds coming out next year that he is excited about.

      Looking for the fonting of youth.


        Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
        I’m toying with the idea of buying the Christmas grab bag, but am confused by the mention of three S/L HCs when it appears from the site that they’ve only published one such volume, DEVIL’s NIGHT, with the rest tpbs…? Maybe I’m missing something.
        You may be looking at just the books listed under the "horror" tab, Ron? I've got their 2 Donald Tyson "Lovecraftian" books, and the Simon Clark "Holmesian", all in gorgeous, signed, illustrated hardcovers. Not sure if those are your thing, but if you keep watching and you're on the fence about a book- my advice would be to go ahead and grab one. Joe does really nice editions. His last book on his way out of Dark Regions- Reggie Oliver's SEA OF BLOOD sold me on his book-making acumen (that one is a shelf favorite), and I instantly followed him to Weird House. I hope he's around for the long haul because I like the vibe.


          Originally posted by swintek View Post

          You may be looking at just the books listed under the "horror" tab, Ron? I've got their 2 Donald Tyson "Lovecraftian" books, and the Simon Clark "Holmesian", all in gorgeous, signed, illustrated hardcovers. Not sure if those are your thing, but if you keep watching and you're on the fence about a book- my advice would be to go ahead and grab one. Joe does really nice editions. His last book on his way out of Dark Regions- Reggie Oliver's SEA OF BLOOD sold me on his book-making acumen (that one is a shelf favorite), and I instantly followed him to Weird House. I hope he's around for the long haul because I like the vibe.
          Ah. Yes, that’s exactly where I was looking, under the Horror link. Thanks for the clarification. :-) I’ve about burnt out on Lovecraftian fiction these days, so perhaps I’ll give it a pass, after all. I am, however, ecstatic to see that they’re going to be releasing two volumes of Carl Jacobi’s work…what an unexpected thrill to see that listing this morning!


            I wanted to send Joe a question r.e. the Jacobi books, but I don’t see an email or other form of contact on his site. Does anyone know how to send queries to him?


              Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
              I wanted to send Joe a question r.e. the Jacobi books, but I don’t see an email or other form of contact on his site. Does anyone know how to send queries to him?
              All I can find is this statement under the submissions tab. It includes 'queries'. Please send queries/manuscripts/publishing history to [email protected].


                Originally posted by Martin View Post

                All I can find is this statement under the submissions tab. It includes 'queries'. Please send queries/manuscripts/publishing history to [email protected].
                Thanks — I suspect that’s for submissions only, but then again if it’s the only contact given, might be worth a shot. Odd he doesn’t provide a dedicated customer-service email or message submission page.


                  RonClinton sent you a PM.
                  Looking for the fonting of youth.


                    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
                    RonClinton sent you a PM.
                    Thanks, will check it right now.


                      Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

                      ... however, ecstatic to see that they’re going to be releasing two volumes of Carl Jacobi’s work…what an unexpected thrill to see that listing this morning!
                      Yeah, those are "in my cart" as well. Wish they were hardcovers, but- happy that they're cheap!


                        Originally posted by swintek View Post

                        Yeah, those are "in my cart" as well. Wish they were hardcovers, but- happy that they're cheap!
                        Funny enough, that was exactly the question (Will they be offered in HC?) I wanted to send to Joe Morey. And with Ben‘s help I was able to do just that, but unfortunately was informed that they will only be available in trade-paperback. Still an exciting Must-Have!


                          Received the Mystery Box this morning and it looks good. I will update with photos a little later in the day.
                          Looking for the fonting of youth.


                            Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
                            Received the Mystery Box this morning and it looks good. I will update with photos a little later in the day.
                            I think you ordered yours a little before I did. I'll be interested to see what your selection looks like.


                              I kind of wanted to hold off on posting until others received theirs. I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

                              Originally posted by mhatchett View Post

                              I think you ordered yours a little before I did. I'll be interested to see what your selection looks like.
                              Looking for the fonting of youth.


                                Anyone receive their box yet? Curious to think what others that of theirs. Plus one person was supposed to get an extra bonus surprise.
                                Looking for the fonting of youth.

