Looks like there’s a new player on the small-press scene, or at least one I hadn’t heard of before: Midworld Press. They have a signed/limited reprint HC upcoming of a book that I’ve previously heard good things about, Christopher Buehlman’s THOSE ACROSS THE RIVER.
Looks quite nice and I would consider a copy, but a 500-copy limitation and a $90 price tag seems to me to be way too high on both counts for this title (and another scheduled for $85 by an author I’ve not heard of). I wish them success as their product appears to be of good quality, based on their site pics, but those price and limitation numbers seem on the face to be questionable choices for a new startup press in this day and age.
Looks quite nice and I would consider a copy, but a 500-copy limitation and a $90 price tag seems to me to be way too high on both counts for this title (and another scheduled for $85 by an author I’ve not heard of). I wish them success as their product appears to be of good quality, based on their site pics, but those price and limitation numbers seem on the face to be questionable choices for a new startup press in this day and age.