When I saw the note that there would be 6 books, I was initially excited that "The Dead Zone" would be in there since it was his 6th book. But then looked it up and remembered that Zone was the first Viking book. Does anybody remember why King went back to Doubleday for "Pet Sematary" after a break of several books?
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Stephen King the Doubleday Years
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8817
If I remember correctly Mr. King had a contractual obligation to submit one more book to Doubleday. He chose to submit Pet Sematary.Originally posted by TerryE View PostWhen I saw the note that there would be 6 books, I was initially excited that "The Dead Zone" would be in there since it was his 6th book. But then looked it up and remembered that Zone was the first Viking book. Does anybody remember why King went back to Doubleday for "Pet Sematary" after a break of several books?
Originally posted by Martin View PostIf I remember correctly Mr. King had a contractual obligation to submit one more book to Doubleday. He chose to submit Pet Sematary.
Make sure you read up to the paragraph that begins "The book opens when Louis Creed and his family—wife Rachel, daughter Ellie..." to get the full story of how the book ended up being published by Doubleday.
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8817
Thanks Brian, that is a nice write up on it.Originally posted by Brian James Freeman View PostThere is a really good explanation here:
Make sure you read up to the paragraph that begins "The book opens when Louis Creed and his family—wife Rachel, daughter Ellie..." to get the full story of how the book ended up being published by Doubleday.
Well I took the dive and went for the Gift Edition. Part of the deciding factor for me is getting the chance at early orders for the next book, and I'd like to ge the artist state of 'Salem's Lot, I think. I'll probably cancel my PS edition as I hardly think I need two copies, I can buy other books with the money. Though it saddens me choosing between the two, Glen Chadbourne's artwork, I think, is the nicer of the two so far as I can tell. The introduction and afterwards don't interest me as much as their last publication, Pet Sematary, which I definitely don't regret purchasing. I kind of wish I snagged a copy of Christine now too. The higher quality binding and deluxe size for the price is very attractive for the CD edition. It'll look beautiful next to my copy of IT.
I have one more question, I don't know if I will be purchasing all of the six books, if I have bought one or more of the six, would I continue to get early purchase offers? I might not want all of them, but I might want more later.
Originally posted by Brian James Freeman View PostWe ship them all of their books in one big shipment, so they end up paying a fraction for shipping compared to what it would cost to ship all of those same books to individual customers in individual shipments. Plus, I get this feeling that they're not getting charged as much by their Post Office as we are by ours these days. So PS Publishing is really smart place to order from if you're in the UK or Europe.
Originally posted by srboone View PostI'm thinking I'm not gonna cancel my order for PS's Carrie. I don't have a hc OF Carrie and...well...why not two?"I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged."
- Stephen King
Originally posted by Brian James Freeman View PostThere is a really good explanation here:
Make sure you read up to the paragraph that begins "The book opens when Louis Creed and his family—wife Rachel, daughter Ellie..." to get the full story of how the book ended up being published by Doubleday.
Thanks for sharing the link Brian! Nice little read while having my morning coffee :-)
Originally posted by srboone View PostI'm thinking I'm not gonna cancel my order for PS's Carrie. I don't have a hc OF Carrie and...well...why not two?
Now if only CD could do The Dead Zone, which is still one of my favorite SK books.
Originally posted by Theli View PostI have one more question, I don't know if I will be purchasing all of the six books, if I have bought one or more of the six, would I continue to get early purchase offers? I might not want all of them, but I might want more later.
So the notification order might go something like this for The Shining, spaced out a few days for each group to have an exclusive window:
Collectors who bought 'Salem's Lot
Collectors who bought Carrie
The General Public Announcement
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com