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Production Update Questions

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  • sholloman81
    Thanks Dan! Just shot you an email.

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  • Dan Hocker
    The should all be ready for our 2022 lineup. The wait has been a bit unfortunate (along with all the other delays). If anyone wants to know the other 2 titles in the grab bag, feel free to drop me a PM and I'll tell you privately. Don't want to publicly announce the titles just yet.

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  • sholloman81
    Hi Brian/Dan/CD,

    Hope I'm not being a pest by posting this again, but, do you have any updates yet on the 2018 Forthcoming Grab Bag? Seems like forever since we've seen any movement on this one. To the best of my knowledge, only one book (Suffer the Children) has been announced so far and that one seems to be stuck in the proofreading stage. Any idea when we can expect the remaining book(s) to be announced? Any info on this grab bag would be appreciated!!!

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  • Dan Hocker
    Yep. It'll be shipping in about 2 ish weeks I think. Have a couple of grab bags to ship and a quick THC to ship before we ship that. But the cases are here and ready to go. So very soon.

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  • pumpheel
    For me, 10 years in December.

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  • Marmaduke Grigsby
    Can it really be true? From the address confirmation email I received from CD yesterday:

    "the Limited Edition of THE BEST OF CEMETERY DANCE 2 will begin shipping in a few weeks"

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  • sholloman81
    Hi Brian/Dan/CD,

    Any updates yet on the 2018 Forthcoming Grab Bag? Seems like forever since we've seen any movement on this one. To the best of my knowledge, only one book (Suffer the Children) has been announced so far and that one seems to be stuck in the proofreading stage. Any idea when we can expect the remaining book(s) to be announced? Any info on this grab bag would be appreciated!!!

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  • bookworm 1
    That’s fine. I’m interested in seeing the slipcase and what everyone is talking about.

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  • Dan Hocker
    Probably next week I think. We're playing catchup right now after the long slog that was If It Bleeds slipcases and Billy Summers back to back.

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  • bookworm 1
    Just curious with the announcement today of of Heart Shaped Box where The Night Country is in the shipping que.

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  • pumpheel
    Thanks for the information. Hope it comes soon.

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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by pumpheel View Post
    Thanks. I would have thought they would ship the book and traycase together
    Not typically. Usually we get the books at the same time as the limited editions, then the traycases come later directly from their traycase maker.

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  • pumpheel
    Thanks. I would have thought they would ship the book and traycase together

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  • Dan Hocker
    I'll have to look and see if we've recieved the traycases for those yet. I know we have a large amount of "small projects" to ship that keep getting bumped in the shipping order for bigger projects (Billy Summers / If It Bleeds Slipcases).

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  • pumpheel
    Any idea about "The Outer Limits (from Gauntlet) lettered edition? Barry Hoffman said all had been shipped out. Thanks!

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