Just grateful they gave us all a chance and opened their doors for a few months. It's been a dream of mine for decades to see a story in Cemetery Dance.
Everyone who hasn't heard back has made it through all of the first readers and are being read by the editors now. (The first readers actually finished the other day, but I didn't have a chance to post an update!)
Thanks for the update, Brian! Is there any sense of how long the editors will take to make their final decisions? Or is it a wait-and-see / be patient, little grasshoppers kind of situation?
Thanks for the update, Brian! Is there any sense of how long the editors will take to make their final decisions? Or is it a wait-and-see / be patient, little grasshoppers kind of situation?
I need to look over the list again and see how many total stories there are. This has taken much longer than we planned because we underestimated how many authors would have stories ready to submit. I hate long turnaround times on submissions, so I'm very sorry about the wait. I've been submitting stories for publication for nearly 20 years now (wow, that makes me feel old) and the worst part has always been the wait. We'll figure out a way to get everyone answers much quicker the next time around!
Haha -- if you believe reports on Duotrope and Submission Grinder, there are likely at least around thirty. I tend to imagine only about 10% of submitters use those tools, so my guess is more like 100-300, probably. Might be a while yet! In the meantime ... whiskey! And more writing!
Yeah, who knows. I'm only reading tea leaves over here. I usually guesstimate 8-10% of submissions make it to some sort of a "final round." With 800+ stories that comes to about 65-80. And we all know that guessing is fun!
Yeah, who knows. I'm only reading tea leaves over here. I usually guesstimate 8-10% of submissions make it to some sort of a "final round." With 800+ stories that comes to about 65-80. And we all know that guessing is fun!