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Originally posted by srboone View PostChronicle: Three teen-agers stumble upon an entrance to a strange cave that seems to have been uncovered by a sinkhole. What they find there changes all of their lives forever. A "found footage" film with a twist. You don't know who found the camera and it's edited together with newsreel and secutiy camera footage. Not all camera angles make sense (for example, when one of the central characters shows up at a female blogger's house and it shows the back of the female's head as she speaks with him), and it appears to use several different qualities of film, though I think it showed one of the characters editing most of the film together on his computer; but it's a solid and effective story. I don't know that I'd rush out to see it it at your local theater (unless you're an incurable movie-theater junkie like me), but it's definitely worth a Redbox or Netflix look.
3.5/5CD Email: [email protected]
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You're right, Dan! I never thought of that. It was a while before I realized that this was edited "found footage" and that scene came up before I realized it. Thanks for pointing that out."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
I think it can be enjoyed without liking the "ins and outs", Ken. The relationship of Pitt's and Hill's charactetrs goes a long way."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Originally posted by srboone View PostI think it can be enjoyed without liking the "ins and outs", Ken. The relationship of Pitt's and Hill's charactetrs goes a long way.CD Email: [email protected]
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That is true. They had a fun relationship, and I think the Pitt's character has some interesting quirks. I just didn't want anyone who hasn't watched it to go in expecting a movie of actual game play (although there is a little). This is more a movie about how a team is put together. And while their relationship might be interesting enough to hold the non-basbeall fans interest, the statistics side of it is awesome for a fan.
I used to love those games where you build a team and the outcome is determined stats wise, like Strat-o-matic baseball. So I wasn't sure if this appeal might not hold up for non-fans the way it did for me.
On a side note, this was an interesting roll for Hill. I saw him in a movie Cyrus a while back, and the way he portrayed the character was similar (aside from the quirks of Cyrus). I like him in these roles. By the way, hated Cyrus.
Two outstanding concert/concert documetary films I watched:
Stop Making Sense: Pretty Much for Talking Heads fans only. But everything is photographed beautifully and the concert is staged brilliantly by David Byrne. Full of delightful insights to the band and it's music and those songs! Shows what an A-list Hollywood director (Jonathon Demme) can do with great material!
The Last Waltz: Footage from The Band's farewell concert, Thanksgiving 1976, with band interviews interspersed throughout. Scorcese brings all his skills to shine on this greatest of all concert films. Even the studio recreations of Emmy Lou Harris and The Staples covering some of the songs are done so well, you don't want to see the concert footage.
5/5 for both of these."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Act of Valor: Navy Seal team 7 globetrots in pursuit of a captured CIA operative who has information concerning a link between a terrorist and a narco-arms dealer. It escaltes into a race against time to stop them from entering the US. Most of the actors are retired and active duty Seals, names are left off of the credits. I guess what this really is is a recruiting film. But it's an awfully damn entertaining one, even though it doesn't have the traditional trappings of a movie: plot, character development, and stylized dialog. But what is does have is brilliantly choreographed, edited, and photographed action sequences. Is that enough to make a good movie? I think so. If character were the focus of the movie, actual actors would have been employed; these men are emotional, they're scared, but they won't show it. They sacrifice willingly, but don't waste breath expounding upon it. There's no moral ambiguity or meditations on the complexities of war here. That's not what these guys do. There's the mission--first and last. What is there for actors to do here? In the end, Act of Valor is never more than it ever claimed to be, a film about the job the Navy Seals do; if you wish, it's "Call of Duty" on the big screen. But that aint bad, folks.
3.5/5Last edited by srboone; 02-26-2012, 09:00 PM."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
The Thing 2011
As a big big fan of Carpenters film I went into this with low expectations. I knew it was a prequel and not and out and out remake but these days? You just never know. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the story was good, the CGI was decent(sure did make me miss Bottins practical effects though!) and that it segued smoothly into Carpenter's version. I had to chuckle at the whole "check your fillings!" scene. I am a dental tech after all.....
I would give this flick 4 out of 5 tentacles.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Toy Story 3
I had been told that this was more of an adult themed movie that a kids movie. Most big animated features these days are geared towards both and this one is no exception. I also heard that this was the best one so far, I do not think I agree with that. It was an enjoyable movie and in some ways felt like a Stephen King inside joke.
I would give it a 3 out of 5.
Project X: Teens plan a birthday party for one of their own that grows too big, too fast and spirals out of control. The bottom-of-the-barrel drek of "found footage" movies. Uninspired and tiresome, this movie wore out it's welcome after 20 minutes. I do remember laughing twice during the 88 minute runtime, but I honestly can't remember which two bits I thought were funny, which means I can add "-memorable" to the list of "un-"s I'll use to describe this movie. At least 200 bared boobs, one teenage lockerroom erection, and a whacked out guy with a flame thrower don't really add to the fun at all, though I sure this is somebody's idea of entertainment. If this is your thing, though, see it on the big screen--just to say you did.
1/5Last edited by srboone; 03-10-2012, 05:10 PM."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)