They have been for ages over here.
It's my favorite time for watching a movie in the theatre: no noisy crowd and half price tickets.
Hear, hear !!!! Connie and I choose to go to the early morning Gold Class cinemas over here in Oz. Reclining armchairs, personal food and beverage service and, best of all, maximum of 20 seats in the entire cinema - oh, and they cost a bomb, so the riff raff (except for me) can't afford to attend ...
They have been for ages over here.
It's my favorite time for watching a movie in the theatre: no noisy crowd and half price tickets.
Our "Matinees" are at like 3pm and they only have them in the summer and March break. I go to the "Late" show (9-10:30ish) on tuesdays. Its cheap night and not that busy. ok well yea its busy we only have one theatre this side of the island but its not bad
John Carter: Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' first novel, a confederate soldier is transported to Mars where he becomes embroiled in the political affairs of the Tharks and the Red Martians. Terrific production design and spectacular action sequences are the highlight of JC; but like so many action/adventure movies, the movie sputters when the characters have to speak to each other. Still, it's a lot of fun when it gets going and it has a strong beginning and end. Confusing plot points and bizarre characterizations (I found the physical similarities between the Tharks and Jar Jar Binks quite disturbing and detracted from the film) are heavy negatives here. Edgar Rice burroughs is actually a character in the film's bookends and let's hope he's in the inevitable sequels.
Saw The Vow on Wednesday...young couple were involved in a car accident...the husband recovers but the wife lost her memory. She didn't recognize her husband and couldn't remember marrying him or quitting law school to become an artist..though she remembers her family and ex fiance. Based on a true story. I enjoyed it...
A few funny moments. Some hi-jinx and and many head scratching scenes with an unpalatable ending. That being said I did watch the whole movie and it gave me something to do for 1 hour and 44 minutes.
Edgar Rice burroughs is actually a character in the film's bookends and let's hope he's in the inevitable sequels.
I wish, Squire.
If Í remember correctly, the budget of this movie -John carter- was something like $250,000,000.00?? meaning, it'll have to be a huge BO success in order to warrant any sequels. First weekend (North America): $30,000,000.00. Peanuts! When i saw it yesterday, the theatre was practically empty. I know it was early, but -for instance- the early Lord of the Rings showings were sold out, for weeks.
Any ways, I do hope there will be a sequel, better yet, a number of sequels, as I really liked this movie.
The prologue on Earth I found a bit confusing, just like I couldn't keep track -at first- of the various names of characters and races, but once I had that straight, I had a great time. Amazing visuals, ok storyline.
White Dog: A young girl adopts a lost German shepherd and discovers it has been trained to attack black people. A black animal trainer undertakes the task of curing it. This is indeed a strange film. Made in 1982, it sat on the shelves at Paramount unreleased until festival tributes to Samuel Fuller started up. It starts out as a very shocking horror film, as the dog's training is revealed and then becomes an almost amusing, yet still horrifying metaphor on racism in America. Paul Winfield is out standing as Keys, the trainer who is obsessed with showing the dog a little more of his black skin every time he ventures into the dog's cage. The cinematography is unpolished, lending a rawness to the film and Ennio Morricone's score is as eerie as anything he's every done. Lurid, Raw, powerful, disturbing, it's just what you'd expect from B-movie giant Samuel Fuller. One I will be definitely watch again.
Just watched Drive as well. 4.5/5 Had the soundtrack before watching it and it got me pumped for the movie. I would have done a few things differently, but overall I really enjoyed it, something different.
The last great original cartoon character. Used to get up early every Saturday morning just to watch this. Voiced by the late great Scatman Crothers! As good as it got!