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Rate the Last Movie You Saw

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Re-watched The Dead Zone last night. It might be a little blasphemous to say this but I'm not much of a fan of the book.

    In regards to the movie I enjoyed the re-watch but just do not feel it. The movie has always felt flat to me. It's as if something is missing or maybe I'm just missing something.
    I have re-watched the movie and re-read the book in the last year. Although I prefer the book I do like both.

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Re-watched The Dead Zone last night. It might be a little blasphemous to say this but I'm not much of a fan of the book.

    In regards to the movie I enjoyed the re-watch but just do not feel it. The movie has always felt flat to me. It's as if something is missing or maybe I'm just missing something.
    I'm a fan of both but we all have our different taste.

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  • Ben Staad
    Re-watched The Dead Zone last night. It might be a little blasphemous to say this but I'm not much of a fan of the book.

    In regards to the movie I enjoyed the re-watch but just do not feel it. The movie has always felt flat to me. It's as if something is missing or maybe I'm just missing something.

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  • Ben Staad
    No Way Out. This was a late 80's film starring Kevin Costner. The movie was just okay, lacked depth of character, and seemed to be a bunch of broad-stroke portrayals of people in power. There was a little suspense, a little action, a little sexiness, and an interesting twist at the end. Generally speaking there were pivotal moments in the film which had me very confused about people's action's. To me it felt like they threw a bit at the wall to see what would stick.

    I wonder if this movie was just hoping to cash in on a similar film produced around the same time?

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  • Ben Staad
    KL Zombi. This is a Malaysian zombie film that I came across on Netflix. It's a silly, nonsensical, mess which me and my daughter giggled at for about 90 minutes. If you like schlocky stuff you may enjoy this as well. Not sure I really enjoyed the film but I didn't hate it either. There was something nice about a cheese-ball foreign language zombie film. The actors just looked like they were having fun and it was a little contagious.

    I'm not going to rate this one.

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