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Rate the Last Movie You Saw

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    I agree. I think my main issue with new IT movies, is that they felt "safe". I just never felt like there were any stakes in what was going on. I really think that IT would have been better as a one-season prestige TV show, with the narrative switching back and forth between the kids and the adults.
    Completely this.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I have been avoiding this mostly because I believe it is not a story that can be told well visually. Part one in both the miniseries and the movie were great. Part two went off the rails in the mini series and I was fearful the same would happen again. Chapter II was better than the miniseries but still failed to translate the story well. If I was to rate it I would say 2 to 2.5 stars.
    I agree. I think my main issue with new IT movies, is that they felt "safe". I just never felt like there were any stakes in what was going on. I really think that IT would have been better as a one-season prestige TV show, with the narrative switching back and forth between the kids and the adults.

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  • Ben Staad
    That is a very fair assessment.

    Originally posted by Martin View Post
    If I was to rate it I would say 2 to 2.5 stars.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Finally got around to watching IT Chapter II. Think I may just be in a bad mood as I didn't care for it much. They spent way to much time on special effects and not enough on the actual story. I think they somehow missed the mark on this one.
    I have been avoiding this mostly because I believe it is not a story that can be told well visually. Part one in both the miniseries and the movie were great. Part two went off the rails in the mini series and I was fearful the same would happen again. Chapter II was better than the miniseries but still failed to translate the story well. If I was to rate it I would say 2 to 2.5 stars.

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  • khaos
    Family watched the new Netflix animated movie The Mitchells vs. The Machines. It was very enjoyable. We've been on a streak of lots of not very good movies, mostly predictable horror. Although I did find an older Paul Rudd movie Our Idiot Brother which was good for a laugh.

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  • Ben Staad
    Another Netflix movie called Stowaway. The movie had some nice elements of sci-fi mixed with some great drama. For me the movie lacked in a few places and left me more interested in the overall mission and less about the characters. I felt a little underwhelmed with the ending but think many would find this worth a watch.

    3 out of 5 stars.

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  • Ben Staad
    The Dig on Netflix. The movie was gorgeous visually and started out strong with some great interpersonal, both spoken and unspoken, exchanges between Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan. However as the movie progressed, more characters were added, and those characters subplots removed me from, what was otherwise, I nice period piece.

    2.5 out of 5 stars.

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  • Ben Staad
    You are welcome. Hope you like it. It's a movie that I think will stick with me for awhile.

    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    I’ve been meaning to check this one out for awhile. Thanks for the reminder!

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Captain Fantastic. Moving, thoughtful, loving, and a great look at balance and compromise in this world full of extremes. At least that is what I got out of this thing. 4 out of 5 stars.

    The movie may not be for everyone however I think the story has a great voice.
    I’ve been meaning to check this one out for awhile. Thanks for the reminder!

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  • Ben Staad
    Big movie week at my house. Watched two of them! LOL

    Watched a really interesting sci-fi flick on Netflix called Prospect. This was a visual movie, with great concept, world building, nice effects, and managed a nice little story line. The issue for me was that the story felt fairly incomplete. Maybe that was actually a good thing and means I wanted more of what they started. I'm not sure.

    3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

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  • Ben Staad
    Captain Fantastic. Moving, thoughtful, loving, and a great look at balance and compromise in this world full of extremes. At least that is what I got out of this thing. 4 out of 5 stars.

    The movie may not be for everyone however I think the story has a great voice.

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  • Ben Staad
    Watched I Care A Lot on Netflix. The movie was interesting but full of unlikable characters, unveiled messaging, and offered up horrendously bad music. That being said I am rating this 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by mulleins View Post

    Completely agree. After watching the remake (Chapter 1&2), my wife and I waited a few days and rewatched the original release.

    The original is where it's at and always will be (for us). Of course that's just our opinion.

    We're finally getting around to watching Mr. Mercedes (Season 1,2, & 3). Really enjoying it.

    Any opinions on the Outsider Series? Worth a onetime watch?

    I feel the same way about The Stand. The original was much better.

    I think the Outsider is worth a onetime watch. I think I actually enjoyed it more than the book.

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  • Ben Staad
    Sorry. I don't have a service that this series is/was on.

    I do agree that Mr. Mercedes is very good.

    Originally posted by mulleins View Post

    Any opinions on the Outsider Series? Worth a onetime watch?


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  • mulleins
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Finally got around to watching IT Chapter II. Think I may just be in a bad mood as I didn't care for it much. They spent way to much time on special effects and not enough on the actual story. I think they somehow missed the mark on this one.
    Completely agree. After watching the remake (Chapter 1&2), my wife and I waited a few days and rewatched the original release.

    The original is where it's at and always will be (for us). Of course that's just our opinion.

    We're finally getting around to watching Mr. Mercedes (Season 1,2, & 3). Really enjoying it.

    Any opinions on the Outsider Series? Worth a onetime watch?


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