By the way, this guy is STILL pissed at us because he entered his address wrong. Today he "yelled" at Mindy in an email that he wanted to talk to someone who could "actually help him."
I'm thinking a doctor of some kind is his best bet. Did I mention that this was over a $15 order that we would have been happy to re-ship to the correct address if he would just give us the address? Instead of swearing up a storm and demanding we cancel his order?
Sigh... People like this make you REALLY appreciate all of our good customers, who do easily outnumber the bad by a lot!
I'm thinking a doctor of some kind is his best bet. Did I mention that this was over a $15 order that we would have been happy to re-ship to the correct address if he would just give us the address? Instead of swearing up a storm and demanding we cancel his order?
Sigh... People like this make you REALLY appreciate all of our good customers, who do easily outnumber the bad by a lot!