I think getting into a CD collectors club (of some type) will be one of my resolutions for 2013. Give me an early readers club, collectors club..... Does a grab bag count?
I think getting into a CD collectors club (of some type) will be one of my resolutions for 2013. Give me an early readers club, collectors club..... Does a grab bag count?
I think we're all in the club here... The book addicts club.
Hey...we are getting part of that storm too. Temp rising to low 40s, rain, windy - temp dropping to about freezing tonight, wet snow that will melt as soon as it touches the ground. Nothing a good ol' Canadian green/brown Christmas in dark and cloudy Windsor, ON!
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
---Douglas Adams--
Today is 12/21 or as the rest of the world says 21/12 so blast the great rush album of the same name today.Also go get the new rerelease of the album in digital with all new
graphic novel.Rush on people.
Sorry about the lack of linkage but my blackberry won't let me past into that box. Iunno...anyway he ordered it for me not knowing that it was a preorder. So ill get it eventually. Yay! So excited.
Well, so much for my previous post - green/brown Christmas in Windsor, Ontario..... Christmas eve - got about an inch or 2 - white afterall!!!!
Yesterday (Boxing Day) - big storm comes in - wind, snow. Ended up with about 5 or 6 inches. Driving wasn't too bad, not too cold either (wind made it feel real cold though).
Back to work today - have to miss the hockey tournament the team I coach is in because of work.