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Random thoughts...
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostLife is good when the Book Gods shine on us LOL!!
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Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
Wow Congrats, was it Ronald Kelly?
I picked up volumes 1 to 35 of the signed/numbered HC editions of the Bibliomystery Series from Mysterious Bookshop:
…and at a heckuva sweet deal.
I also have three others beyond 35 (currently up to 42 volumes), so have a few more to pick up to make it a complete set.
This series has been on my radar for many years, but I didn’t really consider pursuing it until recently. Then this instant-collection deal showed up, and I couldn’t pass it up.
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Originally posted by RonClinton View PostWell, I just made I believe my largest limited-edition purchase ever…in number of books in one single buy, anyhow: 35 signed and numbered hardcovers (a series).
One for the record books.
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Well, I just made I believe my largest limited-edition purchase ever…in number of books in one single buy, anyhow: 35 signed and numbered hardcovers (a series).
One for the record books.
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DC rarely goes back to,press on out-of-print books, but they do offer them up in different formats...I wouldn't be surprised to see an omnibus or two down the line collecting Grant's work on the Bat books.
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Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View PostBoy, I loved L.E.G.I.O.N.!!! I wish DC would reprint that series......
The DC Bat-reprints seem to go out of print VERY quickly. I make a point of buying them the day they come out, because the few early ones that I didn't snap up were gone by the next week.
As for the Batman reprints, the early volumes are very hard to find for a decent price. People are asking stupid prices for them on the eBay. I remember when reprint volumes were looked down upon and you could get them super cheap. Now these volumes are going for good money and it's almost easier--and cheaper--to track down the individual volumes. I do like that DC is doing these volumes, though. There are so many good stories that are overlooked nowadays. The reader has to adapt to the different type of storytelling as techniques have changed over the years, but I much prefer the more compressed storytelling of older comics versus the ultra-decompressed stories we see now (not everything has to be a six to twelve issues long).
I am still very much fighting the urge to do a deep dive on the Bat-titles from Grant's run onward. The lure of nostalgia is strong. I don't want to spend that much money on comics. I'm supposed to be getting rid of them, not buying more!
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Boy, I loved L.E.G.I.O.N.!!! I wish DC would reprint that series......
The DC Bat-reprints seem to go out of print VERY quickly. I make a point of buying them the day they come out, because the few early ones that I didn't snap up were gone by the next week.
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Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
Alan Grant wrote (seemingly...) EVERYTHING back in my younger days. I've been buying the reprints of his BATMAN/DETECTIVE run, because I remember enjoying them so much back in the late 80s/early 90s. I was very saddened to read about his passing earlier.....His work brought me a lot of joy back in the day.
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostThis isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.
I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostThis isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.
I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
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May he Rest in Peace. It's always sad to hear of anyone's passing.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostThis isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.
I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
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This isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.
I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
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