7:38 PM and it's 103 outside. I hate summer.
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Random thoughts...
Here's a thought...
How come every visual depiction of Pennywise I have ever seen completely eliminates his "floppy yellow bow-tie."
Until now, I never knew it existed and I am sure some of you are thinking you didn't either unless you've read it recently. You'd think someone woulda drew him that way or created a costume like that. Per google, no one has that I can see...but most of what comes up is Tim Curry anyway.
I Didnt get to the Silver Part yet I guess unless I missed that when Georgie saw him before he died. I just noticed the bow-tie in Ben's drea..."He couldn't see the figures face, but he could see the baggy suit with the big orange pompom-buttons down the front and the floppe yellow bow-tie." First time it "Showed" him since Georgie.
It's going better now. It was mainly, oh I forget his name now, the Asthma kids phone call section that killed me. Ben's wasn't great either tho. Both a lil slow. The rest were ok cuz shit actually happened. I'm 200 pages in now...800 to go. lol. I'm where Ben is about to find Bill at the dam...well the dams gone since end of the section I just stopped on but yea.
I read alot in the last 3 hours. prob the second 100 pages which is ALOT for me in one sitting, even at work. I didnt get bored(or tired usually) and come here or facebook. Prob won't get any more done til wednesday. Camping(Kinda) tomorrow then im dayshift sunday so ill watch tv/movies to keep me busy cuz its too slow even for reading. lol. then I am off for two. anyway, rambling
Well working overtime means you will have money for books...um I mean groceries..Believe me I know about being stuck.With no end insite to Mandatory ot Tons of family plans my not happen.Well only 4 more nights of work till Scout camp.Friday and Saturday will be getting things ready.I guess that myay be my break for the summer.
Originally posted by Teriw View PostAnother employee just quit on us with no notice. IM SO FUCKING PISSED! Sunday's are horrible and now I am stuck here for 12hours and with no lunch cuz I had nothing I can eat at home cuz I DONT GET PAID ENOUGH TO BUY GROCERIES!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I needed to Vent
Brake lines fixed! As for the transmission the guy who fixed my brake lines said I needed new trams lines. I priced checked his estimate for my other stuff and he was way overpriced so I went to my usual guy who checked it and said the guys that put my radiator in fucked up the connection. So now I am sittin at cape rad waiting for them to fix their mistake which they better cop to so it don't cost me anything. Moral? Stick with one mechanic. I have come to trust speedy now that they told me what wad really wrong and telling me to c.me back here instead of fixing it themselves and charging me for it. They know I'd never know the difference and they very well could have and didn't. Speedy also showed me my problems and issues that may occur upon doing the struts and what he showed me and explained made perfect sense cuz even I know trying to remove a rusted mount from a just as rusted strut very well means possibly haveing to do both. We agreed to do both anyway cuz the struts clearly won't last much longer anyway. So next monday they're doing it then ill only needs pads rotors and a filler neck. The neck leak aint bad so it can wait and the breaks r being done free just parts by a friend. Hoping this is the end of it for a while.