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  • RonClinton
    Well, I just made I believe my largest limited-edition purchase ever…in number of books in one single buy, anyhow: 35 signed and numbered hardcovers (a series).

    One for the record books.

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  • dannyboy121070
    DC rarely goes back to,press on out-of-print books, but they do offer them up in different formats...I wouldn't be surprised to see an omnibus or two down the line collecting Grant's work on the Bat books.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
    Boy, I loved L.E.G.I.O.N.!!! I wish DC would reprint that series......

    The DC Bat-reprints seem to go out of print VERY quickly. I make a point of buying them the day they come out, because the few early ones that I didn't snap up were gone by the next week.
    Hey, another L.E.G.I.O.N. fan! I thought I might be the only one left! I only have the first 36 issues of the series and need to pick up the rest at some point. Such a good book. One of the earliest comic books that I remember buying was The Adventures of Superman Annual with L.E.G.I.O.N. and Lobo guest-starring. I had no idea who these characters were, but I loved this comic. It was actually took me about 15 years to get around to tracking down the rest of the second part in the L.E.G.I.O.N. annual.

    As for the Batman reprints, the early volumes are very hard to find for a decent price. People are asking stupid prices for them on the eBay. I remember when reprint volumes were looked down upon and you could get them super cheap. Now these volumes are going for good money and it's almost easier--and cheaper--to track down the individual volumes. I do like that DC is doing these volumes, though. There are so many good stories that are overlooked nowadays. The reader has to adapt to the different type of storytelling as techniques have changed over the years, but I much prefer the more compressed storytelling of older comics versus the ultra-decompressed stories we see now (not everything has to be a six to twelve issues long).

    I am still very much fighting the urge to do a deep dive on the Bat-titles from Grant's run onward. The lure of nostalgia is strong. I don't want to spend that much money on comics. I'm supposed to be getting rid of them, not buying more!

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  • dannyboy121070
    Boy, I loved L.E.G.I.O.N.!!! I wish DC would reprint that series......

    The DC Bat-reprints seem to go out of print VERY quickly. I make a point of buying them the day they come out, because the few early ones that I didn't snap up were gone by the next week.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post

    Alan Grant wrote (seemingly...) EVERYTHING back in my younger days. I've been buying the reprints of his BATMAN/DETECTIVE run, because I remember enjoying them so much back in the late 80s/early 90s. I was very saddened to read about his passing earlier.....His work brought me a lot of joy back in the day.
    I saw that they've been reprinting those, along with his SHADOW OF THE BAT run. Some of those TPBs are a tad difficult to get a hold of and it's almost cheaper to buy the originals! I have been very tempted to do a deep dive of his Batman stuff, filling in the gaps that I've missed. I also remembered that he did the run of L.E.G.I.O.N. with Keith Giffen that I remember really enjoying.

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  • dannyboy121070
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    This isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.

    I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
    Alan Grant wrote (seemingly...) EVERYTHING back in my younger days. I've been buying the reprints of his BATMAN/DETECTIVE run, because I remember enjoying them so much back in the late 80s/early 90s. I was very saddened to read about his passing earlier.....His work brought me a lot of joy back in the day.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    This isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.

    I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.
    I know his name, but having troubling remembering why I know him. Batman is too general - some 2000 A.D. with Simon Bisley. Still, sucks to hear of anyone's passing, and now it's beginning to feel like a lot of people I "know" are hitting that old age era of life.

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  • Ben Staad
    May he Rest in Peace. It's always sad to hear of anyone's passing.

    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    This isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.

    I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.

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  • Sock Monkey
    This isn't a comic book site, but I figured I'd post here anyways.

    I'm very sad to hear that comic book writer Alan Grant has passed away. His run on the Batman titles--especially the very early 90's Detective Comics issues--were my very first Batman comics. When I think of Batman comics, I immediately go to Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon. I think I'm gonna go dust off some of those old back issues to honor the man.

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  • Brian861
    Cute pup!

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  • Ben Staad
    Hope this new family member brings you many years of joy. Pip sure is cute!

    Originally posted by c marvel View Post
    OT post here -- New addition. Meet Pip. I've had him for two weeks as of tomorrow. He is a Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua mix. He's named after a dog we had who lived to be 17. I wanted this dog, Pip, to have part of Flip's (The 17 year old dog) name. He slept on a rug on my laundry basket for the first day or so. He's also known as Demon Spawn.


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  • Martin
    Originally posted by c marvel View Post
    OT post here -- New addition. Meet Pip. I've had him for two weeks as of tomorrow. He is a Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua mix. He's named after a dog we had who lived to be 17. I wanted this dog, Pip, to have part of Flip's (The 17 year old dog) name. He slept on a rug on my laundry basket for the first day or so. He's also known as Demon Spawn.

    Congratulations on the addition to your family. Makes me think of LT's Theory of Pets.

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  • c marvel
    OT post here -- New addition. Meet Pip. I've had him for two weeks as of tomorrow. He is a Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua mix. He's named after a dog we had who lived to be 17. I wanted this dog, Pip, to have part of Flip's (The 17 year old dog) name. He slept on a rug on my laundry basket for the first day or so. He's also known as Demon Spawn.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post

    Okay, first, 4000 books! That's a heck of a collection! Wow!

    And I agree about eBay. It's almost impossible to make any money off a book selling there. Including shipping to calculate their fees is ridiculous. Not to mention the extra stinger of a $0.50 per transaction fee they add on for some reason. I sold enough books this year to break the threshold on being reported for income tax purposes so we'll see how that turns out. I might be wrong, but wouldn't a seller only have to pay income tax on any profit they made?

    I'd be interested in your Facebook selling experiences if you try it. I don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, but I do have about 50 books I'm looking to sell, so that might be an option.
    Will do.

    R.e. income tax: No, unfortunately the IRS counts all eBay income as taxable income *unless* you can prove the depreciation of the items. If you have a receipt that shows you paid $50 for a book and it sold for $20, then you can prove it's a depreciated item and that it's free of tax. But for those of us -- most of us, I assume -- who have no such records, the default assumption by the feds is that it's all profit and is due to be taxed.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    I've been tempted several times over the last year to open a Facebook account in order to sell ltd. ed. books, since I'm trying -- though, admittedly, not making much progress -- in winnowing my collection down so our next move (in a few years) won't involve 4000 books. I'd really like to get it down to a core 1000 books (though I'd be pleased to even get down to 2000), and that means a lot of books have to move. With eBay now demanding 14% of both item and shipping, and the feds requiring eBay to report all sales so now I have to pay income tax on all sales, and gas making a trip to the PO at least $3 - $5, that's a big chunk that's not going into my pocket -- and so it seems like Facebook, with its classified boards, would be a great place to sell these books and get 100% of the revenue...but I'm just not sure it's worth it. We'll see.
    Okay, first, 4000 books! That's a heck of a collection! Wow!

    And I agree about eBay. It's almost impossible to make any money off a book selling there. Including shipping to calculate their fees is ridiculous. Not to mention the extra stinger of a $0.50 per transaction fee they add on for some reason. I sold enough books this year to break the threshold on being reported for income tax purposes so we'll see how that turns out. I might be wrong, but wouldn't a seller only have to pay income tax on any profit they made?

    I'd be interested in your Facebook selling experiences if you try it. I don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, but I do have about 50 books I'm looking to sell, so that might be an option.

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