Gonna be another skorcher today, but I have 4 days off, so I'm gonna spend today running around KC. There are 3 Half Price books scattered through out the city (one of which is a regular haunt), so I'm gonna spend the day travelling to and from them.
I need new brake pads as well but the car will be sitting for about a month so I figured that could wait. The heat in AZ does not help when it comes to keeping a car in good running shape. I'm on my 3rd battery in 2 years. Dental stuff is no fun. Hope that all goes well for you.
My problems not heat when it comes to my car. Its salt. Salt in the air, salt pretty well everywhere andnthey still use salt on the roads here in winter.rusts the underside of cars to fuck. I love my lil island but it just plain loves to eat my car.
I'd kill for that weather guys. Humidity or not. Its weird that it hasn't been humid for far this year. That's usually all it is here. Was 20 yesterday, warm, sunburned while bbq'ing but no humidity. Was glad for that yeterday tho cuz I was sweating to death as it was over that damn bbq and the pool is not warm enough yet.
The trip was worth while, my regular HPB store has better collectibles, but the other two have lots of Little, Laymon, and Ketchum paperbacks. Picked up a 2012 TBR paperback, something from the "when I get around to gettign a better editin" list, and something just for the hell of it.
I just went from 112 yesterday afternoon in Phoenix to 75 in San Jose. I won't get to enjoy this weather fully as I will be inside all day but it is a welcome break, if only for 2 days.
RESOLVED! Dad says my dome light was hot to the touch when he went to try charging my battery. so apparently it was on all night...since it was not on when i got in an closed the door today i am left to assume that my door was not properly closed last night leaving the two map lights, dome light, and 4 door lights on all night...thus an ALMOST dead battery...enough juice to get my lights on and worry me that it wasnt the battery but not enough to actually start the car. So RELIEVED!