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  • sholloman81
    Was at my local Half Price books this weekend and scored a couple cool books for $15.00 each, the Dark Harvest editions of Shadowfires & The Key to Midnight by Leigh Nicholls (Dean R Koontz). Was surprised to find these, especially in such great condition. The only (small) issue that I could find with each book was some discoloring of the paper from age. Have never read either title, but I was always a fan of early Koontz and have decent hopes for them. Have also always loved Dark Harvest books and miss them as a publisher. Even with their trade editions, they always seem to have great cover-art, as well as some interior illustrations, which you rarely get in trade editions anymore.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Glad you were able to snag some things! I noticed this morning that Jared increased the price on his remaining unsigned copies of Tokyo Doll from $20 to $30; so, the deal feels even better!
    $20 is a smoking deal and even $30 is pretty darn good. TOKYO DOLL has been listed on that page for a while now, along with WARD ELEVEN and the THE DIRECTOR SHOULD HAVE SHOT YOU.  All are at great prices and I'm surprised they've lasted that long.  Maybe people don't browse the page very often?  If not, I highly recommend it as there are some great deals sometimes.  I'm still kicking myself for not pulling the trigger on the deluxe oversized FAFHRD books he had on there at one point.  The first three volumes for $900 with rights to future volumes.  I can't find a copy of an unsigned Volume 1 for under $300!

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  • Chuggers
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Glad you were able to snag some things! I noticed this morning that Jared increased the price on his remaining unsigned copies of Tokyo Doll from $20 to $30; so, the deal feels even better!
    Me too, i was confused at first because I'm still seeing Tokyo Doll at $55 but If you look under the random titles sometimes listed in the John Pelan collection, Tokyo Doll looks like it's still $20 and the other one I picked up,  The Machine in Ward Eleven is $22 

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Chuggers View Post

    Appreciate the heads up on the Centipede sale item(s), any time you can pick up 2 Centipede titles for less than $50 is a phenomenal day!
    Glad you were able to snag some things! I noticed this morning that Jared increased the price on his remaining unsigned copies of Tokyo Doll from $20 to $30; so, the deal feels even better!

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  • Chuggers
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just received three shipping notices unexpectedly, which always makes for a nice day! Can't wait to get my hands on these!

    Centipede- John McPartland-Tokyo Doll (They currently have unsigned copies for $20 which was the right price point for me to take a chance as I've never heard of the author or book, but it does sound fun)

    Triana Website-Kristopher Triana- The Old Lady Hardback LE (Am A Huge Triana Fan and was stoked to see this announced last week, that it's already shipping makes me very happy, the description sounds great- like something Ketchum would write)

    SubPress- Joe Lansdale- Senior Girls Bayonet LE Story Collection (Glad to see this shipping, ordered lasty July, a new Lansdale collection is always a reason to celebrate!)
    Appreciate the heads up on the Centipede sale item(s), any time you can pick up 2 Centipede titles for less than $50 is a phenomenal day!

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  • Ben Staad
    Cha-ching. Sounds like a fantastic day. Congrats.

    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just received three shipping notices unexpectedly, which always makes for a nice day! Can't wait to get my hands on these!

    Centipede- John McPartland-Tokyo Doll (They currently have unsigned copies for $20 which was the right price point for me to take a chance as I've never heard of the author or book, but it does sound fun)

    Triana Website-Kristopher Triana- The Old Lady Hardback LE (Am A Huge Triana Fan and was stoked to see this announced last week, that it's already shipping makes me very happy, the description sounds great- like something Ketchum would write)

    SubPress- Joe Lansdale- Senior Girls Bayonet LE Story Collection (Glad to see this shipping, ordered lasty July, a new Lansdale collection is always a reason to celebrate!)

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  • sholloman81
    Just received three shipping notices unexpectedly, which always makes for a nice day! Can't wait to get my hands on these!

    Centipede- John McPartland-Tokyo Doll (They currently have unsigned copies for $20 which was the right price point for me to take a chance as I've never heard of the author or book, but it does sound fun)

    Triana Website-Kristopher Triana- The Old Lady Hardback LE (Am A Huge Triana Fan and was stoked to see this announced last week, that it's already shipping makes me very happy, the description sounds great- like something Ketchum would write)

    SubPress- Joe Lansdale- Senior Girls Bayonet LE Story Collection (Glad to see this shipping, ordered lasty July, a new Lansdale collection is always a reason to celebrate!)

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by Dave1442397 View Post

    I went through the listings, saw plenty of things I liked, but not enough to fork over the cash What did you go for?
    Hi Dave, I was hoping for some Robert E. Howard or Ray Bradbury. I ended up with 3 signed David Gemmell titles, I'm a bit of a fantasy/sword and sorcery geek...Alright, a big sword and sorcery geek LOL!! Looking forward to additional titles, he was really good to work with.

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  • Ben Staad
    I wish you and everyone here a FANTASTIC 2024.

    I think that is a wonderful goal. There are so many knowledgeable and kind folks who enjoy, collect, and love literature here.

    Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post
    Happy New Year to every single one of you b*stards! The best people gather here, somehow immune to the internet. I aspire to learn from you all. Hope '24 is filled with great reading and better health.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by jeffingoff View Post
    Happy New Year to every single one of you b*stards! The best people gather here, somehow immune to the internet. I aspire to learn from you all. Hope '24 is filled with great reading and better health.
    Right back at'cha, Mike and Jeff... I hppe the new year brings us all much bookish joy.

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  • jeffingoff
    Happy New Year to every single one of you b*stards! The best people gather here, somehow immune to the internet. I aspire to learn from you all. Hope '24 is filled with great reading and better health.

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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Hey, have any of Y'all been following this Bob Lumpkin SF/Fantasy Book Catalog #1? I picked up a few items.
    I went through the listings, saw plenty of things I liked, but not enough to fork over the cash What did you go for?

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  • mhatchett
    Hey, have any of Y'all been following this Bob Lumpkin SF/Fantasy Book Catalog #1? I picked up a few items.

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  • mhatchett
    Happy New Year, Happy Booking in 2024!!!

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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Man, you just made my day! I had no idea that the Cutter book was coming out and am a big fan of the author. Looks like the books is released August 27, 2024. Just added it to my pre-order list. Now if I could just track down a hardcover copy of Cutter's "The Acolyte somewhere I'd be a happy camper!

    In terms of the Malfi, I personally would pass unless it gets rave reviews. I've read a handful of his novels and just haven't been able to connect with them which makes me wonder if I ever will. Perhaps his style just isn't for me. It's kind of how I feel about Ramsey Campbell's stuff. The guys a freaking Grandmaster but for some reason his books always leave me flat. The writing is perfectly fine, they're just always missing that certain something that would push his stuff to "must read" for me, and I always feel a little guilty, like it must be a me thing.
    There was a rumor, I think I heard it somewhere on this forum, about CD doing The Acolyte as part of their Graveyard Edition line.  

    Now it’s been several years since I’ve heard that.

    As far as Campbell goes, your not alone in your assessment.

    I could never understand his revered status in the horror fiction genre.

    I tend to like his earlier stories, when his fiction leaned more to the Lovecraftian, but as for as the psychological horror fiction he’s been writing for the last 30+ years, as far as I’m concerned, if you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.

    And the one wasn’t that good to begin with!

    I have similar feelings for the fiction of Dennis Etchison.  

    Very highly regarded in the horror fiction community, but what I’ve read of his stuff, it just does absolutely nothing for me as a reader.

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