Originally posted by jeffingoff
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Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
So DUNE isn't your cup of tea?
Originally posted by Martin View Post
Tried to read many years ago. That and Lord of the Rings made me avoid Science Fiction for a long time. Maybe made it 200 pages into Dune before I determined my time was worth more than the story. I rarely DNF a book but I had to walk away from that one.Â
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
I adore LOR, but there has always been something about Dune that has caused me to avoid it. I've always wondered how much I am missing out as it's obviously a very famous title. Your review makes me feel a bit better for not reading it yet. Perhaps on day...
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
So DUNE isn't your cup of tea?
Finished The Horror at Pleasant Brook by Kevin Lucia last night.
Liked this one a lot.
It was a very fun read, though a little preachy at times.
If you’re in the mood for a fast paced, small town horror story with the feel of an 80’s horror movie, THAPB should be right up your alley.
And damn, that ending!
Just finished reading the SST LE of Richard Chizmar's "Chasing the Boogeyman". I really enjoyed the trade hardcover when it was first released and decided to finally read the SST LE that I picked-up. I especially wanted to do that before reading the sequel, "Becoming the Boogeyman" which was just released a few days ago. I enjoyed Chasing the Boogeyman just as much this time around, which was a bit surprising to me considering that I already knew the mystery aspect of it. The characters still feel real, and I really enjoy the small-town feel/community that he gives to Edgewood. Also love the cover art for the SST version of this book. I've always loved the "Baghead" look from Friday the 13th 2 and was very happy to see it appear in this book, (and yes, I know Baghead didn't start with Friday, but that is THE version for me). Overall, I still really enjoyed Chasing the Boogeyman and would still place it in the B grade range.
Am now reading the sequel, Richar Chizmar's "Becoming the Boogeyman". Am only a few chapters into it, but have high hopes!
Originally posted by Hermit View PostMy current read is Spiral by Koji Sazuki. I'm trying to decide whether to buy the third book (Loop) as ive seen reviews its fairly weak compared to the first two books.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
What are your thoughts on the series? I've gone back and forth on picking them up.
to start with the movie. I like the fear inducing atmospherics and things left to sounds and imagination rather than the over used special effects and jump scares.
the novel Ring is nothing like the movie. it doesn't ponder too much on the supernatural creeps, rather that plays just a shadow to the actual characters urgent adventure trying to stop the curse to prevent themselves dying.
the second book spiral brings in a new character who has no prior knowledge of the happenings from ring, but is connected with previous characters with friendships. the second book isn't such an adventure, its more thought provoking and has a hint of science behind it.
I have seen reviews say the second book is slow and boring, but I disagree, its just a story thats not simplified for lazy readers.
I do recommend these books, and I will most likely get a copy of loop too
Originally posted by Hermit View Post
hmm, I first encountered the movie -Ring, the original Japanese version years ago and it was the first horror movie to really give me the creeps. soon after that I learnt it was based on a novel so I purchased it and read it once and over the years had forgotten much of it until about a year ago when I found a preloved copy of Spiral. I had no prior knowledge to this second book until them, and after finally getting around to re-reading ring and now halfway into spiral, I can say the movie was good but is vastly different to the written works.
to start with the movie. I like the fear inducing atmospherics and things left to sounds and imagination rather than the over used special effects and jump scares.
the novel Ring is nothing like the movie. it doesn't ponder too much on the supernatural creeps, rather that plays just a shadow to the actual characters urgent adventure trying to stop the curse to prevent themselves dying.
the second book spiral brings in a new character who has no prior knowledge of the happenings from ring, but is connected with previous characters with friendships. the second book isn't such an adventure, its more thought provoking and has a hint of science behind it.
I have seen reviews say the second book is slow and boring, but I disagree, its just a story thats not simplified for lazy readers.
I do recommend these books, and I will most likely get a copy of loop too
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
Thank you for the info. I'm definitely more inclined to pick up the books now.
just a small non related to the books gripe but related to one of my comments. one of my peeves is younger people these days want things spoon fed to them and never want to read a long story or flesh out anecdote. it really bugs me when I see comments on other places saying did not read - too long and its only a post of just 2 or 3 paragraphs.
it just makes me despair.
sorry I will go be quiet now.
Just finished reading Richar Chizmar's "Becoming the Boogeyman". Enjoyed the heck out of it! It was every bit as good as "Chasing the Boogeyman" which I loved. There's just something about the way these stories are constructed that really works for me. I also really loved the way Chizmar teased a potential supernatural/weird turn that this story could take in the future should he want to go that route. And of course, my heart sped up a bit with every little nod to SK in this book. So excited to see where he goes with the next book. Can I make a guess at the title? It will be called "Ending the Boogeyman" and will feature another time jump; so, it will be old-man Rich kicking Boogeyman ass!! Just kidding. Overall, I would give "Becoming the Boogeyman" a B+ grade.
Am now reading Christopher Golden's "All Hallows". It's been sitting in my TPB pile and seems like an appropriate Halloween season read, and I love me some Golden!
Reading Gone To See The River Man by Kristopher Triana.
It’s the first thing I’ve read by Triana, and at the half way point I’d say it merits the mostly positive reviews I’ve seen about it.
There is a genuinely surreal & creepy feel to the story.
Looking forward to seeing how the second half goes.