Never read any of those 'Game of Thrones' novels, but i have so many other books to read before i can evern consider them. Next for me is 'Fluke' by James Herbert ...
He was a stringy mongrel, wandering the streets of the city, driven by a ravenous hunger and hunting a quarry he could not define. But he was something more. Somewhere in the depths of his consciousness was a memory clawing its way to the surface, tormenting him, refusing to let him rest. The memory of what he had once been. A man...
Finished Fluke and it was a real change from the other James Herbert book i have read, very little violence and not really a horror book but i loved it, very heart felt and i so wanted things to turn out for the best, he made me care for the characters!
Next i am torn between another Herbert novel (sequel to 'The Rats') 'Lair' and The Bachamn books!
Yesterday I finished a short novel I picked up at a dollar store titled, The Faculty Club. Okay read, but not really anything to write home about.
Immediately after completing it, I started in on The Town by Bentley Little. I've never read any of his stuff save for the short stories included in the most recent issue of the magazine, but I've heard good things and I have high expectations.
Osama the Gun? Sounds interesting actually.
OK, to all you guys who said Lisey's Story was so good: I quit on the 12th page. I just couldn't get into it. I'm going back to Triage and/or finish off the remaining two stories in Full Dark, No Stars. And by the way, the latter is pretty good. Novellas or short stories are what I like best; I don't lose interest when a story is not too long.
Lisey's Story is in my top ten, loved the story and it gets much better as the story goes on!
Ok, then, I'll finish it if I can. But now I actually got hooked on a story in Full Dark, No Stars...the last one in the book.
And The Bachman Books...I really liked those stories especially Rage.
Ok, then, I'll finish it if I can. But now I actually got hooked on a story in Full Dark, No Stars...the last one in the book.
And The Bachman Books...I really liked those stories especially Rage.
Cool, FDNS was good too, the oly one i wasn't a massive fan of was 'Fair Extension'
OK, to all you guys who said Lisey's Story was so good: I quit on the 12th page. I just couldn't get into it.
That is such a shame! Lisey's Story is in Tom's top 10, it's in my top 5.
I LOVE and ADORE that book, right from page one.
But I can see your point, though, it's one of King's strangest books and it does take awhile to get into it.
I do hope you'll give it another try sometime.
Yep, I'll give it another try. Especially when you say it can take awhile to get into it; that means something coming from such a big King fan lol. It must be good, I'll just give it another try after I finish Full Dark, No Stars. I really like that book!