Let us know how you like the Ramsey Campbell book. I have the trade hard cover sitting on my shelf from a library sale.I might need to move this up the tbr pile.
Just finishing The House of Canted Steps by Gary Friar (he of Gray Friar Press) it's an old school haunted house story so far, which I'm enjoying. Next up is The Grin Of The Dark, by Ramsey Campbell, which I've had the PS slipcased version sitting on my shelf for a while, but having seen the paperback, and actually read what the books about, became a must read now type of thing. I hope it lives up to my expectations!
"The Assholes are coming to get you, Barbara . . .
From Wonderland Award Winner Kevin L. Donihe comes a hilarious tribute to Night of the Living Dead: A plague of assholes is infecting the countryside. Normal everyday people are transforming into jerks, snobs, dicks, and douchebags. And they all have only one purpose: to make your life a living hell.
Today is the worst day of Barbara's life. The assholes are everywhere. They're picking fights, causing accidents, and even killing people. But she must remain calm. If you raise your temper to an asshole you'll become one of them.
After losing her brother to the asshole onslaught, Barbara flees for her life. She finds safety in a desolate farmhouse with six other survivors. Cut off from the world and surrounded by a sea of assholes, they must figure out a way to last through the night. But more and more of those annoying bastards are gathering outside, preparing for the coming of something much worse. . .
Let us know how you like the Ramsey Campbell book. I have the trade hard cover sitting on my shelf from a library sale.I might need to move this up the tbr pile.
Will do. I shall be starting it on the train journey today.
House of Canted Steps is of course by Gary Fry, he does not share the full name of his book publishing company. He does like to send me abusive emails though, so this is probably why I got his name wrong.
"The Assholes are coming to get you, Barbara . . .
From Wonderland Award Winner Kevin L. Donihe comes a hilarious tribute to Night of the Living Dead: A plague of assholes is infecting the countryside. Normal everyday people are transforming into jerks, snobs, dicks, and douchebags. And they all have only one purpose: to make your life a living hell.
Today is the worst day of Barbara's life. The assholes are everywhere. They're picking fights, causing accidents, and even killing people. But she must remain calm. If you raise your temper to an asshole you'll become one of them.
After losing her brother to the asshole onslaught, Barbara flees for her life. She finds safety in a desolate farmhouse with six other survivors. Cut off from the world and surrounded by a sea of assholes, they must figure out a way to last through the night. But more and more of those annoying bastards are gathering outside, preparing for the coming of something much worse. . .
Due to work, I'm back reading short stories - mainly from HORROR LIBRARY VOL 4 and Tim Curran's BONE MARROW STEW collection.
Recently finished CRANE HOUSE - what a fun read. How eleven authors were able to have their portion of the story build upon and flow so well with the others is a mystery and a joy to experience. Highly recommended.
Reading this book confirms what most of us already knew: King simply has the best voice in the business. In spite of many nay-sayers -comments ranging from: awful endings, atrocious, foul awfulness, (stories that are) dull and hard to read to boring mess and uninteresting characters - I LOVE this book (so far). I've only read the first two. 1922 I found surprisingly touching -in spite of its gruesomeness. The murder that puts things in motion reminded me of the one in Hitchcock's Torn Curtain - looooong and gruesome. The Big Driver kept me spellbound with a nice couple of twists and turns.
But it's especially King's voice that keeps me coming back for more. These stories -like many of King's best works- are short on plot. But when King spins these tales, he draws us in and doesn't let go till the very end.
Two more to go - can't wait!
Just finished Norman Partridge's "Lesser Demons" some pretty good stuff. The Iron Dead, Lesser Demons, and Carrion being my favorite stories in this collection. Would dig a sequel to Iron Dead!