Originally posted by RonClinton
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Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
Ok, confession time, I've yet to read anything by Hendrix. How would you describe his stuff?
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
Ron, what was the podcast you mentioned? I’m always looking for something to listen to on my rather long commute.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Finished The Devil’s Pocketbook by Ross Jeffery.
An engaging and genuinely creepy first half that was marred by an increasingly ridiculously second half.
After TDP, started back on The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers.
Took another break from TKIY and started Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank this morning.
Thirty pages in and really enjoying it so far.
I started the last Robert McCammon Matthew Corbett book, LEVIATHAN, and I'm about 1/4 of the way through, and enjoying it so far. I question the need for a new pair of big bads, since the cast is already stocked with a few, and I always dislike when an author introduces new characters into the last chapter of a series, but...we'll see how it plays out. At least I'm feeling a little more hopeful that McCammon will wrap this all up in a satisfactory manner..I won't go as far as to say that I hated the last book (THE KING OF SHADOWS), but I will say that I hated every minute that the cast spent on that stupid island with its pointless inhabitants, I hated the amnesia subplot that we just saw in a different manner in the prior book, and I hated how much time was spent in flashbacks. If KING hadn't been part of such a stellar series of books, I would probably have left it unfinished. I was sad that McCammon was wrapping the series up, but after 700 pages of wheel-spinning, it seemed like he was just trying to fulfill a contract and had run out of ideas. Hoping LEVIATHAN is the proper sendoff that Matthew and company deserve.
Just finished reading the Lividian LE of Philp Fracassi's "A Child Alone with Strangers". Really enjoyed this one. It was a pretty mean story but had tons of heart. Also really enjoyed the ending. I thought for sure that Fracassi was going for the full-blown happy ending, but he of course subverted what I was expecting and gave us something much darker. In terms of the production, Lividian did a great job as always. If I had one small complaint, I do wish the font had been a bit larger, but it didn't hurt my eyes too bad. Overall, very glad to have this LE as a part of my colection.
Am now reading the Suntup AGE for Ania Ahlborn's "If You See Her". Have no expectations for this one as I picked it up as a part of the last Suntup dinged sale. Am hoping that it is as good as some of the other stuff tat I have read by Ahlborn.
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Just finished reading the Suntup AGE for Ania Ahlborn's "If You See Her". I liked it, but didn't love it. It's a very well written grief-horror story with a great idea at its core, but the first three quarters of the book move so slowly that I'm guessing a lot of people will tap out before the final bit which was actually quite good and almost saved the book for me. I also think the book is hurt by having mostly unlikeable characters. Overall, I'm glad to have read this but it may be a good while before I ever revisit it.
Am now reading the Suntup AGE of Jay Anson's "The Amityville Horror", another book that I picked-up via their dinged sale a while back. Have never read the book or seen the movie; so, I will be going into this blind!
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Finished Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank, which I liked quite a bit.
However, it is a 65 year old book, and it certainly shows it age at times.
Just finished a reread of Gwendy’s Button Box, which I enjoyed as much the second time around.
Next up, starting a reread of Gwendy’s Magic Feather.
Decide to reread the first two books before picking up Gwendy’s Final Task for the first time.
Just finished reading the Suntup AGE of Jay Anson's "The Amityville Horror", another book that I picked-up via their dinged sale. Had never read this book previously nor seen the movie but was generally aware of its cultural impact. Apologies to people who enjoyed this story, but for me, it couldn't have been more boring. None of the characters were interesting and a lot of the chapters felt repetitive. I honestly have no idea how this book managed to sell so many copies other than it must have captured the zeitgeist of the moment. While this Suntup production is very nice, I can't imagine wanting to read this again so it will most likely end up at the local trade counter at my used bookstore.
Am now reading the Suntup AGE of S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, another book that I picked-up as a part of their dinged sale. My godson is actually reading this at school right now, so I told him that I'd read my copy with him. Ashamedly, this is a book that I've never gotten around to reading, even when I was young (but I did see the movie).
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostJust finished reading the Suntup AGE of Jay Anson's "The Amityville Horror", another book that I picked-up via their dinged sale. Had never read this book previously nor seen the movie but was generally aware of its cultural impact. Apologies to people who enjoyed this story, but for me, it couldn't have been more boring. None of the characters were interesting and a lot of the chapters felt repetitive. I honestly have no idea how this book managed to sell so many copies other than it must have captured the zeitgeist of the moment. While this Suntup production is very nice, I can't imagine wanting to read this again so it will most likely end up at the local trade counter at my used bookstore.
Am now reading the Suntup AGE of S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, another book that I picked-up as a part of their dinged sale. My godson is actually reading this at school right now, so I told him that I'd read my copy with him. Ashamedly, this is a book that I've never gotten around to reading, even when I was young (but I did see the movie).
Anyways, you are in for a much better read with The Outsiders. A book that's also probably more poignant when read at an early age, but still has heft to it.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
Yeah, The Amityville Horror is pretty much a stinker if you're over than, say, ten years old. My wife read it a few years back and thought it was pretty horrible. I couldn't really argue with her. Anson's prose is perfunctory, at best. Frankly, I was surprised that Suntup did a limited of it. For me, the only reason to have the limited is for its "cultural significance" rather than its contribution to the genre. It doesn't help that said "significance" has diminished over the years as the whole thing besides the DeFeo murders have been debunked as a hoax.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
I was all set to buy a copy of the Suntup edition for exactly that reason, it's pop-culture significance, even though I'd heard it was very disappointing read (I'd not read it before), until cooler heads prevailed and I realized that's a silly reason to drop over a hundred bucks, especially for someone like me who purports to be as much a reader as a collector, so I skipped it. I did buy Suntup's JAWS, even though it's a book that I find many problems with (the film, in contrast, is of course terrific), but that was kind of a one-off and its nostalgic appeal for me is off the charts, bad book or not, and I'm very pleased to have it in my library. Same with Suntup's THE OMEN, which I think is a better written book than either of the other two.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
I was very close to picking up The Omen, but was afraid that it would fall in the same camp as The Amityville Horror. I have not read Jaws. I did read Benchley's Beast, at least I think that's what it was called, about the killer octopus. I found it incredibly underwhelming.
If you’re a fan of the movie you will probably like the novelization, as it follows the movie very closely.
Of course, that’s to be expected, as David Seltzer wrote both the original screenplay and the 70’s novelization.
Definitely preferred The Omen over Jaws (the novel). I reread Jaws last year, and had the same reaction as I did the first time I read it.
Jaws is one of the few instances where, IMO, the movie far exceeds the book.
Just finished reading the Suntup AGE of S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. This was a first time read, and I enjoyed it a lot. Wish I would have been exposed to it when I was younger as I'm sure I would have loved it even more during that period. While some of the slang feels a bit goofy nowadays, the sentiments are timeless. Stay gold indeed. I would recommend this to any reader and am very glad to have the Suntup edition on my shelf.
Am now reading one of my Thunderstorm splatter westerns, "Hunger on the Chisholm Trail" by M Ennenbach. This will be a first time read of the book and a new author for me.