Really. The last book. the 14th book of a planned septology. Sounds vaguely Adams-ish!
Yea and considering what was supposed to be only one book left in the series 3 years ago turned out to be 3 of the largest books in the series, I'd say Jordan went a little overboard with it. I love these books, but I'd say the story probably could have been told in at least 4 or 5 books less. Jordan really liked to go into way too much detail when describing things.
Well, I'm sure complete sets will be offered once it is published. Maybe i'll pick it up then, though I couldn't even get through the first one.
Interesting, as I think the first one is widely considered the best. Though I think my favorite was Winter's Heart, which I think is number 8. Though number 9 is pretty much a waste of time.
I've read the first Jordan book quite a few times, but for some reason I always stall after that. Probably because there's so many, and I end up getting distracted by other books. Some day, though - if the next one is truly the end, that might make it easier. I only like to read a series when I have all the books.
Sorry you did not like 15 min. or Pork Pie hat.I think pph is super.I do not know if it has anything to do with my love for jazz but I felt the book was beautifully paced and well written. I am almost halfway through Under the Dome. I might have to put it down and move on to something else for a bit.I like it but not sure it even would make my top 10
King books.
There was just no moral center in 15 minutes and I thought it was a mistake to have a dispasionate grad student with no musical ability narrate PPH. I thought it would have been more effective if it had been a search for his own roots by Grant Kilbert, or a deathbed confession bt PPH himself.
No but I am still glad you read them.I know I have read books that other forum members thought were great that I could not stand.I still think Weaveworld is blah.I know I am in the minority on that.