Not a book but I got a 'Thanksgiving card' from Grady Hendrix in the mail yesterday. It's because I ordered from him in the past but when I saw the envelope I was like "Why did Grady Hendrix send me a letter?"
It's a pretty thick piece of board as well which is nice for collecting purposes.
This is an ARC of Cemetery Dance's 'Midnight Under the Big Top'. I generally don't collect ARCs, but this was a book I was curious to read and I was able to get it for a very cheap price (thanks to c marvel on this board).
A piece of Glenn Chadbourne's interior artwork, this one for 'The Black Ferris' by Ray Bradbury.
And speaking of circuses, here's another Pennywise Funko Pop. I've lost track of how many I have at this point but I loved the scene in 'It: Chapter 2' where 'human' Pennywise smears makeup on his face before raking his nails in it so this was a must-have for me.
Thank you. I haven't been this excited about a book release in a long time. Not because of the Golden Ticket chance, but the contents inside the cover. Anytime you can open the imagination in an adults mind, you have accomplished something.
This is Suntup's artist edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
In addition to the book, my package also had a 'Golden Ticket'. Twenty-five of these tickets were inserted randomly into the books with different prizes accompanying them. I was able to redeem mine for a $100 gift card. Needless to say finding the ticket in my box was pretty exciting and I'm grateful to Paul for the prize.
I recently acquired the two volumes of 'The Secretary of Dreams' from Cemetery Dance. These were two books that I always had my eye on but the prices on the secondhand market were too steep for me. Fortunately The Collector ( recently had them on sale for a reduced price.
For those who don't know they're Stephen King anthologies that present his stories as either comics or illustrated prose with art by Glenn Chadbourne.
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