Lincoln - That would be the US cover - purchased that at a local bookstore here in Windsor Canada. Unless of course a cover will differ from US to Canada, which I doubt.
I still haven't got to Nightmares & Dreamscapes yet - it is certainly near the top of the TBR list. However, as well as know, those things change all the time! Not bad for $1.05 eh!
And the latest arrival to my collection.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]11694[/ATTACH]
I have not read that one either but I found a copy just like that in my tiny Podunk hometown's Dollar General mixed in with very cheap romance and suspense novels for $3
I have read The Teratologist and His Pain and White is one sick mamajama, can't wait to read more!
Went to bank on Friday, to get some US $ to go grocery shopping - low and behold, on the used book sale table, grab myself a copy of Christine by King.
And....arrived today from AbeBooks - Contagion by Robin Cook
Another CD add for my bookshelf, and soon to be read likely.... I also believe, aside from the one chapbook I have, this is my first signed numbered book! Thanks CD!!!! Torn 003.jpgTorn 001.jpgTorn 002.jpg
Another CD add for my bookshelf, and soon to be read likely.... I also believe, aside from the one chapbook I have, this is my first signed numbered book! Thanks CD!!!!
Sweet! I have that one ordered as well, now I know what to expect