Back once again with some more hardback horror yielded from the second-hand bookshops and charity shops of Norwich:
Shadow Land is a UK first edition, though has seen its price snipped from the dust cover. The copy of Portent cost me less than a loaf of bread. Astonishing, though, then again, it's far from Herbert's best. No sooner had I bought Portent than I unearthed a larger format copy of the book in another shop, interestingly without a copyright page. (I couldn't see it had been ripped out.)
None of the books were any more expensive than Doctor Sleep, but, still, some were a step up from charity shop prices! I might have to plough through these Kings as a Goodreads challenge next year. I don't know how many I'd get through before craving another author, though!
Thanks, guys. A quick shufti of the copyright page indeed reveals Rose Madder to be a US first edition. Cover price $25.95 (18 years ago). Purchased for £2. Again it'll be one of a squillion copies but still... £2!
The bookshop had a copy already opened - I was hooked. It instantly reminded me of House of Leaves with all the scribbled notes in the margins, although I am assured it's not as messed up. (Pity.) The seal is there for good reason too, as the book is jam-packed with postcards, posters, charts and other little inserts. I can imagine many a browser spilling them all over the place (or nicking them).
But it does mean spoiling the thing to get at it. Cunning ploy for buying a second copy!