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  • Sock Monkey
    I'm with Ron, that poster is stinking awesome!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Wile E. Young gave me this sweet Poster. I popped into a $5.00 Goodwill frame today, it will get star treatment later on. One of the coolest things I brought home fro Scares That Cares.
    Holy smokes, Mike, that's incredible...that's a set of books I've always regretted passing on, and that gorgeous poster just takes that regret to the next level! I'll never pull the trigger on the Thunderstorm S/L HCs at this point, but that beautiful stack of tpbs makes me rethink my prior reluctance and wonder if that's a great way to remedy that error in judgement and spend what would seem to be just a couple hundred bucks for the entire set.

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    LOVE LOVE bookstores that look like that.
    Follow up on the Cactus Wren

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  • mhatchett
    Wile E. Young gave me this sweet Poster. I popped into a $5.00 Goodwill frame today, it will get star treatment later on. One of the coolest things I brought home fro Scares That Cares.

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    Nice. Speaking of Tartarus, I received in the last few days my copy of their new one, LITERARY HAUNTINGS, which explores the real-life settings and buildings which inspired classic ghost tales, complete with photos. I think I’m going to really enjoy this one.
    Excellent Ron, Camelot just told me, mine is on the way! Happy New Year!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Thanks to Camelot Books, Santa and USPS for dropping these Christmas Eve treasures. Wayward Blake Crouch, book two of the Wayward Pines trilogy, published by DRP/Gauntlet Press and Dark Arts by Eric Stener Carlson published by Tartarus Press. If you don't know Tartarus, get acquainted, they put out great books. Merry, Merry Everybody!!

    Nice. Speaking of Tartarus, I received in the last few days my copy of their new one, LITERARY HAUNTINGS, which explores the real-life settings and buildings which inspired classic ghost tales, complete with photos. I think I’m going to really enjoy this one.

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  • mhatchett
    Thanks to Camelot Books, Santa and USPS for dropping these Christmas Eve treasures. Wayward Blake Crouch, book two of the Wayward Pines trilogy, published by DRP/Gauntlet Press and Dark Arts by Eric Stener Carlson published by Tartarus Press. If you don't know Tartarus, get acquainted, they put out great books. Merry, Merry Everybody!!


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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Travelled to see our kids for Thanksgiving. No trip is complete unless I find an interesting Bookstore. Fortunately I stumbled on The Cactus Wren Book Exchange in Yucca Valley, CA. It was a neat little store, checked all of my Bookstore boxes and I found several neat books, including The Knightly Martial Arts by James Wallhausen.

    Bookstorea.jpgBookstore 2a.jpg
    LOVE LOVE bookstores that look like that.

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  • mhatchett
    Just a heads up Weird House Press is having their Mystery Box Sale. I did it last year and it was a pretty good deal, so I took a chance again this year. For your consideration.

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  • mhatchett
    Ron, It's true. We're down to just a few in Richmond. That is why I search them out when we re on trips. This place was classic, Books piled everywhere, the owner knew where everything was, interesting customer interactions, had a grand time.

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  • RonClinton
    Mike, that bookstore looks like hours of fun! I miss the days when those Mom & Pop used bookstores like that one were plentiful...these days, especially in the areas like mine with high property values (and, thus, store rents), they're incredibly few and far between. All I have now within a 15-mile radius of me are a couple Half-Price Bookstores, and don't think I'm not grateful for at least having those. But I remember back in the '80s and '90s spending a solid Saturday bookstore-hopping, just going from one to another to another, all within a few miles of each. Man, those were the days, and I'm not sure I appreciated at the time just how special (and temporary) it was.

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  • Ben Staad
    Congrats! Looks great.

    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Hi Guys, my Copy of Tailchaser's Song arrived today. I purchased it from Grim Oak Press during their holiday scratched and dinged sale. The only issue I see is a smeared stamp mark on the signature page, that is pretty minimal in my estimation. It is signed, but not numbered. I'm very pleased. Thanks for the great deal Grim Oak Press!
    Tad W. A..jpg

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  • mhatchett
    Hi Guys, my Copy of Tailchaser's Song arrived today. I purchased it from Grim Oak Press during their holiday scratched and dinged sale. The only issue I see is a smeared stamp mark on the signature page, that is pretty minimal in my estimation. It is signed, but not numbered. I'm very pleased. Thanks for the great deal Grim Oak Press!
    Tad W. A..jpg

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  • mhatchett
    Travelled to see our kids for Thanksgiving. No trip is complete unless I find an interesting Bookstore. Fortunately I stumbled on The Cactus Wren Book Exchange in Yucca Valley, CA. It was a neat little store, checked all of my Bookstore boxes and I found several neat books, including The Knightly Martial Arts by James Wallhausen.

    Bookstorea.jpgBookstore 2a.jpg

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  • Ben Staad
    Thanks. I like it as well. I'm a sucker for items like that.

    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Very Cool Ben! I love the little knitted Pennywise!!

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