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  • TacomaDiver
    Not really a purchase, but literally all of my purchases . . .

    As some of you know, my wife and I are looking into buying a house this year (or early next year). Soon. As part of this overwhelming process, my mother in law in moving in with us. She's selling her house in Washington, and will use a huge chunk of the proceeds to help with a downpayment. Our second bedroom was being used as our library, and since she's moving in, said library has to be dismantled. So I've spent the last week and a half boxing up all of our books.

    And I just finished. Well, finished with the exceptions of the books my wife is leaving out, random books of hers found intermingled with my overflow on top of the shelves, and all of my comic trades.

    I packed the 85th box of books tonight. Eight Five boxes of books.

    Yes, there is a significant part of my brain that's screaming KINDLE KINDLE KINDLE at me, but dammit, I just love these books so much.

    Well, until I need to move said 85 boxes to an offsite storage unit four at a time.

    Anyone looking for a fun weekend project in Colorado? Hit me up - have I got the opportunity for you. Brian861 is close by - I'm sure he wouldn't mind coming over.

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  • dannyboy121070
    Amazon had it listed as out-of-stock for weeks, so I gave up and ordered a copy from Camelot. $55.00 after the shipping, but it was worth it.

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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by brlesh View Post

    Yeah, and that sucker went fast.

    Seems to be out of stock every place you look.

    Oh well, may need to just bite the bullet and pay the $70 plus dollars it seems to be going for on the secondary market,

    Well I take that back.

    Just ordered a copy on Amazon for $34!


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  • brlesh
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    New Kong title from PS Publishing, The Screenplay. Very interesting, lots of history.
    Yeah, and that sucker went fast.

    Seems to be out of stock every place you look.

    Oh well, may need to just bite the bullet and pay the $70 plus dollars it seems to be going for on the secondary market,


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  • RonClinton
    Very cool, I've looked at the KONG title more than once on those PS you say, looks very interesting.

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  • mhatchett
    New Kong title from PS Publishing, The Screenplay. Very interesting, lots of history.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    I recently received the first three titles in Thunderstorm Books's new line entitled Screaming Cacti. This new lettered line encompasses both Deluxe traycased/clamshell editions (like the forthcoming Fracassi lettered) and these partial cloth/ partial leatherbound editions, which will have a slipcase for every four volumes of titles (though I'm kinda hoping that Paul will change his mind and do a traycase instead). I know that there are some diehard dustjacket fans on the forum and I love a dustjacket as well, but there is something about a well-designed non-jacketed book that can get me pretty excited and Thunderstorm has done some very nice non-jacketed books in the past. I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this line, but I really dig the design and the yellow really pops next to the dark leather. Future volumes are going to be bound in different colors of cloth, which I think is a nice way to keep the books looking fresh while still feeling like a cohesive set. Overall, I really like the books.
    Thanks for posting these picks! I was really wondering what these would end up looking like. As you mention, I am definitely one of those diehard dustjacket fans; however, at the price-point Paul is selling this Screaming Cacti line at, I'm sorely tempted to at least pick up an individual title here and there, especially those OOP titles that Paul is bringing back and that I'd probably never get to own otherwise as the previous versions either never make it to the aftermarket or are ungodly expensive.

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  • Sock Monkey
    I recently received the first three titles in Thunderstorm Books's new line entitled Screaming Cacti. This new lettered line encompasses both Deluxe traycased/clamshell editions (like the forthcoming Fracassi lettered) and these partial cloth/ partial leatherbound editions, which will have a slipcase for every four volumes of titles (though I'm kinda hoping that Paul will change his mind and do a traycase instead). I know that there are some diehard dustjacket fans on the forum and I love a dustjacket as well, but there is something about a well-designed non-jacketed book that can get me pretty excited and Thunderstorm has done some very nice non-jacketed books in the past. I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this line, but I really dig the design and the yellow really pops next to the dark leather. Future volumes are going to be bound in different colors of cloth, which I think is a nice way to keep the books looking fresh while still feeling like a cohesive set. Overall, I really like the books.

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    Holy smokes, Mike, that's incredible...that's a set of books I've always regretted passing on, and that gorgeous poster just takes that regret to the next level! I'll never pull the trigger on the Thunderstorm S/L HCs at this point, but that beautiful stack of tpbs makes me rethink my prior reluctance and wonder if that's a great way to remedy that error in judgement and spend what would seem to be just a couple hundred bucks for the entire set.
      The Paperbacks are great and reasonably priced.  You can find some of them on ABE for as little as $10.00.

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  • TacomaDiver
    I was a little surprised there wasn't a slipcase, but none of their other Weir books had one, so it was consistent.  But as SubPress slow inches closer and closer to $200 for their books, I'd like to see something more.  Of course though, then it would be a $250 book and I would have a much harder time justifying that purchase.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Wow, looks great! Really love those end papers. Do wish that SubPress would include some interior art or a slipcase when their titles approach the $200 mark, but otherwise, this is a fantastic pick-up! Hope to find one for myself on the aftermarket at some point.
    Yeah, those endpapers are nice, but given that the image is used as both the front and rear endpapers, it <SPOILER> gives away quite a bit before the story begins.

    And I’m hardpressed to disagree about the price/benefit ratio this time around. A simpler presentation was okay with ARTEMIS, but it was half the cost of HAIL PROJECT MARY. At nearly $200, there’s a greater expectation that, other than two-color used throughout, wasn’t really realized this time around. I’m pleased to have it, but it’s a little underwhelming when, for example, compared to similarly-priced titles from Suntup or Centipede.

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    If you'd like to see a few pics, Sub Press' PROJECT HAIL MARY was my Daily Showcase Book today:
    Wow, looks great! Really love those end papers. Do wish that SubPress would include some interior art or a slipcase when their titles approach the $200 mark, but otherwise, this is a fantastic pick-up! Hope to find one for myself on the aftermarket at some point.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Super jealous! Project Hail Mary sold-out before I could snag a copy. Am hoping I can find a copy on the secondary market at some point.
    If you'd like to see a few pics, Sub Press' PROJECT HAIL MARY was my Daily Showcase Book today:

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    Hail Mary from SubPress arrived today (just about a year after my pre-order.) Or maybe it got here on Saturday? Today was the latest Suntup Hannibal book from Camelot. Too many books!
    Super jealous! Project Hail Mary sold-out before I could snag a copy. Am hoping I can find a copy on the secondary market at some point.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Hail Mary from SubPress arrived today (just about a year after my pre-order.)  Or maybe it got here on Saturday?  Today was the latest Suntup Hannibal book from Camelot.  Too many books!

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