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  • Brian861
    Really cool, Jason. Reminds me of a night I once spent in Denver

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  • Ben Staad
    Congrats on the reading and signing. I have enjoyed the handful I've been to over the years.

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  • RonClinton
    That looks like a fun event and great night…congrats on some cool inscriptions.

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  • TacomaDiver
    While not a recent purchase, I did get some neat things today.

    I believe it was last week when I found out that Stephen Graham Jones (and Paul Trembaly) were both in Telluride for a horror fest, and while looking up what that event is (and how far Telluride was) I discovered that SGJ was going to be in Fort Collins at their library's annual Book Fest.

    While not super familiar with SGJ, I am at least aware of him, and have three of his books (and two SST editions) so a book signing was in order.

    His talk was really interesting. He spent about 5 or 6 minutes reading from his latest book, My Heart is a Chainsaw, and then answering questions from the moderator, on-line, and the audience. I saved my question for the book signing line - who's your most underrated 80s hair metal band?

    You can watch his panel on the website here - right now at least, it's video 4 of 8.

    Here are some pictures of his inscriptions to the three books I brought:
    Jason - thanks for Kings of the Sun

    (This was a band I mentioned to him as being an underrated 80s hair metal band.)

    Jason - when you look into the elk, the elk looks back into you.

    Jason - allow me to introduce you to Jade Daniels ...

    It was a fun way to spend a few hours on a Saturday. Plus I got to visit a brewery I hadn't been to before - WeldWerks - and bought some delicious beers.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    Yesterday, two books I had been waiting for showed up.

    First is the signed edition of Frank Bello's autobiography. Frank is the bassist of one of my favorite bands - Anthrax. I'm not expecting a lot because most so many musician's autobiographies seem to be lacking and very "thin" in content. But it'll go well with my two signed Scott Ian books.


    The second book I feel kind of lucky to have even been able to order - had no idea it existed until a buddy of mine sent the link.

    The signed version of The Art of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust. I only flipped through a little bit, but I love this whole package. Signed by both Gaiman and Vess, and includes a beautiful signed print from Vess. I really wish I could go back in time to that day I found myself at the Comic Art Museum in San Francisco where they had all of the original artwork from Stardust.


    Great additions, Congratulations!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    That gives me an idea - we have fairly high ceilings in this apartment. I could put more pictures above the bookshelves. Hmmmmmm . . .
    Do it — that beautiful signed Vess print (above) will look perfect there!

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post

    Thanks, guys.

    And I definitely get what you are saying, TD…but you’ll be glad to know that no bookcase space was lost with this print, as it hangs above a doorway (thank you, high ceilings!).
    That gives me an idea - we have fairly high ceilings in this apartment. I could put more pictures above the bookshelves. Hmmmmmm . . .

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  • TacomaDiver
    Yesterday, two books I had been waiting for showed up.

    First is the signed edition of Frank Bello's autobiography. Frank is the bassist of one of my favorite bands - Anthrax. I'm not expecting a lot because most so many musician's autobiographies seem to be lacking and very "thin" in content. But it'll go well with my two signed Scott Ian books.


    The second book I feel kind of lucky to have even been able to order - had no idea it existed until a buddy of mine sent the link.

    The signed version of The Art of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust. I only flipped through a little bit, but I love this whole package. Signed by both Gaiman and Vess, and includes a beautiful signed print from Vess. I really wish I could go back in time to that day I found myself at the Comic Art Museum in San Francisco where they had all of the original artwork from Stardust.



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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post

    Seconded! That does look really good!

    I wish I had the space for a lot of those prints - or just even more artwork in general. But I need the walls for bookshelves.
    Thanks, guys.

    And I definitely get what you are saying, TD…but you’ll be glad to know that no bookcase space was lost with this print, as it hangs above a doorway (thank you, high ceilings!).

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Something a little unusual for me: I picked up the I AM LEGEND Suntup giclée print a week or so ago, and it now hangs proudly in my office. Very pleased with it, one of my all-time favorite books...I'll post up pictures on Twitter sometime next week.

    EDIT: Decided to post it this morning instead…pics here:
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    That looks fantastic, Ron. Congrats!
    Seconded! That does look really good!

    I wish I had the space for a lot of those prints - or just even more artwork in general. But I need the walls for bookshelves.

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  • Ben Staad
    That looks fantastic, Ron. Congrats!

    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Something a little unusual for me: I picked up the I AM LEGEND Suntup giclée print a week or so ago, and it now hangs proudly in my office. Very pleased with it, one of my all-time favorite books...I'll post up pictures on Twitter sometime next week.

    EDIT: Decided to post it this morning instead…pics here:

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  • RonClinton
    Something a little unusual for me: I picked up the I AM LEGEND Suntup giclée print a week or so ago, and it now hangs proudly in my office. Very pleased with it, one of my all-time favorite books...I'll post up pictures on Twitter sometime next week.

    EDIT: Decided to post it this morning instead…pics here:
    Last edited by RonClinton; 10-23-2021, 01:57 PM.

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  • Ben Staad
    Received a couple books from Brian A. Hopkins today. One is a collection of his fantasy short stories (Road's End) and the other is a collection (Voices in the Darkness) with his novella "La Belle Epoque,". I am looking forward to reading them both.


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  • TacomaDiver
    Got a new Lansdale collection in today - not signed, but is numbered - 180 total copies.

    Sadly, no copyright information so it's hard to know what's new and what's reprinted (and from where.)

    It's a nice little collection.

    Apache Witch

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
    Congrats, Jason on the puppy! She's gorgeous! I had a black lab named Midnight as a kid. One of the best dogs I've ever owned. She was the mascot of our little neighborhood gang and would follow us to the ends of the earth all summer long.
    Thanks Brian!

    Our last dog, Olive, was also a black lab. I'm completely biased, but they are the best dogs.

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